Using the Aggregates transform will add another column where you can see the sum, count, count unique, average, cumulative sum (or the running total of the rows), minimum value, maximum value, or median value for one of the columns you choose.
Click on Add Transform, then select Aggregates.
This will bring up a window where you can add some sort of aggregation to a column. First, choose your aggregation.
Once you have done that, you will see another field where you can choose what column to apply that to.
Grow will name this new column for you by default. Default name will follow the structure:
"Overall + Aggregation Type
+ of + Column Name
So, for example, if you choose a Sum
of Account Name
, the new column will be called "Overall Sum of Account Name"
The title field is optional. If you would like to keep the default title, leave the "Title" field blank. If you would like to customize the title, you can override the default by adding your own name to the "Title" field.
If you would like to add multiple columns with various aggregations, just press the blue Add Aggregation text and repeat the steps above.
Using Rolling Aggregates
A rolling aggregate, also known as moving aggregate, is a metric that calculates trends over short periods of time using a set of data. Rolling aggregates are useful for finding long-term trends otherwise disguised by occasional fluctuations.
To discover the trend, a rolling average uses smaller parts of the data. For instance, you might use the numbers collected over the last 7 days and find out their average. Then, the average rolls or moves for each new period. Making these calculations for every 7-day period allows professionals to discover the way the average changes, as time moves forward.
To use rolling aggregates in your metrics:
Select Add Transform > Aggregates.
Select the Rolling Aggregate box, below the Aggregation Type field.
Select the Date Column to be used for the moving window of the aggregate function.
Select the Date Range Between, to set the period for the moving window.
For example, if you want a moving window of the last 7 days, select PAST from the dropdown, then enter 7, and select Days for the second dropdown. In the dropdown after the "and", select CURRENT.
Select Run to run the function on your dataset.
Note that the rolling aggregate feature is not available for Count Unique, Cumulative Sum and Median functions.