Selecting Date Ranges

The date range feature allows users better control over the date ranges that they can store, display and compare their data. This help article goes through all of the capabilities of this feature.

There are a three date range groupings to the date range feature: Presets, Other Presets, and Custom Date Range. The Presets and Other Presets are a list of the most popular date range selections. The Custom Date Range allows you to create a unique date range based on fixed or dynamic dates.

Presets and Other Presets Lists

Both the Presets and Other Presets are categorized into the following groups: day, week, month, quarter, and year. There are quick filters for each category that look like the following:



The preset list contains the most used selections (18 total; however, 24 options if a Fiscal Date is set on the account):

  1. Last 30 days
  2. Last 90 days
  3. Last 180 days
  4. Last 365 days
  5. This Week
  6. Week to Date
  7. Previous Week to Date
  8. Last Week
  9. This Month
  10. Month to Date
  11. Previous Month to Date
  12. Last Month
  13. This Quarter
  14. Last Quarter
  15. This Year
  16. Year to Date
  17. Previous Year to Date
  18. Last Year

If a fiscal date is set on the account, then the following options are also included:

  1. This Fiscal Quarter
  2. Last Fiscal Quarter
  3. This Fiscal Year
  4. Fiscal Year to Date
  5. Previous Fiscal Year to Date
  6. Last Fiscal Year

Other Presets

The Other Presets list is a collection of less-used, but still popular selections. This list consists of the following date ranges:

  1. Current Day
  2. Yesterday
  3. Last 7 days
  4. Last 14 days
  5. Last 60 days
  6. Last 2 weeks
  7. Last 6 months
  8. Last 13 months
  9. Quarter to Date
  10. Last 2 years

If a fiscal date is set on the account, then the following options are also included:

  1. Fiscal Quarter to Date
  2. Last 2 Fiscal Years

Date Range Logic by Date Range Type

This section better explains the logic behind date range types from the presets options.


For all "Last # Days" selections, the default selection includes Today as part of the date range.

Example: If today were Nov. 17th, and you selected "Last 30 Days", then the date range would include Oct. 18-Nov 17: Oct. 18-Nov 16 (which is 30 days) + Nov 17 (today), which means the calculation is 30 days + a partial day (today).

Week, Month, Quarter, Year

This {date grouping}

This date range selection includes all days within the date grouping: Past, present, and future.

Example: If today were Nov. 17th, and you selected "This Month", then the date range would include Nov. 1 through Nov. 30. So past, present, and future dates.

{Date grouping} to date

This date range selection includes all days within the date grouping except for future days.

Example: If today were Nov. 17th, and you selected "Month to Date", then the date range would include Nov. 1 through Nov. 17. So past days through today.

Previous {date grouping} to date

This date range selection includes all days within the previous date grouping up to the same count of days that is equal to the same count of days that is in the current date range.

Example: If today were Nov. 17th, and you selected "Previous Month to Date", then the date range would include Oct. 1 through Oct. 17. Since today is Nov. 17th, and we are calculating for the month range, then we have a total of 17 days included in the current period, so we calculate that many days from the beginning of the previous period: Oct 1 - Oct 17.

Last {date grouping}

This date range selection includes all days within the previous date grouping range.

Example: If today were Nov. 17th, and you selected "Last Month", then the date range would include Oct. 1 through Oct. 31. So the entire previous date range.

Custom Date Ranges

Base Period

The base period selection lets you choose how to group dates. We currently support Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.

We do not support smaller granularities (e.g., seconds, minutes, hours) or larger granularities (e.g. decade, century, or millennium) as the base period. Additionally, we don't support other base period types such as Day-of-Week, Week-of-year, day-of-year, etc.

Depending on which base period is selected, there are slightly different options to better support that base period type. Let's take a look at those that have additional options: Week, Quarter, and Year.


If Week is selected as the base period, there is an additional option for you to select what day of the week you want the week selection range to start with.

You can select the Account Default selection which will dynamically change to whatever is selected in Account Settings. Or you may select a static day of the week for the custom date range selection.


If Quarter is selected as the base period, there is an additional option for you to select the type of quarter option you want:

  • Calendar Quarter: This allows you to pick the standard calendar dates for each quarter start date: Jan 1st, Apr 1st, Jul 1st, and Oct 1st.

  • Account Fiscal Quarter: This allows you to pick the fiscal calendar dates set in account settings. This is a dynamic selection that will update if the fiscal date setting is updated.

  • Custom Quarter: This option allows you to set up custom fiscal dates for quarters that are static for this selection. When this selection is made, we introduce a Month and Day picker option.

We calculate the quarters by looking at the date picked and then starting the next quarter on the same same day three months later.

Example: If Feb. 14th was selected, then the custom quarters would calculate as: Feb 14th, May 14th, Aug 14th, Nov 14th.

Year Type

If Year is selected as the base period, there is an additional option for you to select the type of year option you want:

  • Calendar Year: This sets the standard calendar year start date: Jan 1st.

  • Account Fiscal Year: This allows you to pick the fiscal year start date set in account settings. This is a dynamic selection that will update if the fiscal date setting is updated.

  • Custom Year: This option allows you to set up a custom, static fiscal year start date. When this selection is made, we introduce a Month and Day picker option for you to select the day you want the custom year to start on.

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Starting and Ending Date Selections

After selecting any special options determined by the base you select, you then select the starting and ending date for your custom range; each can be a dynamic or fixed date.

Dynamic vs Fixed

When deciding between dynamic or fixed dates we only allow you to pick a dynamic start and end date selection. We do not allow you to pick a dynamic start date and a fixed end date due to one day the start date would surpass the end date and cause a "negative" date range.

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For fixed date, we provide a calendar picker where you can select the start and end date to fix the selection on. The calendar picker is based on the base period grouping selected.

For the day calendar picker, you can select the Month-Year to open the year selector to more quickly navigate to the exact date wanted.

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For the week calendar picker, we show two months in the view and highlight the entire week, starting with the "start of week" selection in bold.

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The month, quarter, and year calendar picker are pretty straight forward. We show you the the picker by months in the year, quarters in the year, or years.

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Date Selections

  • Past: This selection allows you to select any number of date groupings into the past. The date range calculates from the first day of the date grouping. You can also input how many date groupings into the past you want to calculate back from.

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  • Yesterday: Allows you to select yesterday. This is one of the partial date grouping selections that we do support as of right now.

  • Current Date: Allows you to select the current date (today). This is one of the partial date grouping selections that we do support as of right now.

  • Start of Current: Allows you to select the first day of the date grouping. This option isn't available on the Day base period.

  • End of Current: Allows you to select the last day of the date grouping. This option isn't available on the Day base period.

  • Future: This selection allows you to select any number of date groupings into the future. The date range calculates from the first day of the date grouping. Like the past selector, this selection also includes a counter for you to input how many date groupings into the future you would like to calculate.

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The last part of this new date rage selection picker is a preview of what the date range will look like based on your selection. If you select an invalid date range, the preview turns red and the Done button is disabled until the issue is fixed.

Where is the Date Range Feature Located?

The date range selection picker shows up in a number of locations in Grow. The following are all of the locations this picker resides:

Dashboard Date Range dropdown in the Dashboard Filtering menu

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Expanded Mode Date Range Selection in the Explore Menu

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Data Explorer Builder Date Range Selection Sub-menu

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Data Explorer Builder Key Value Date Range Selection Dropdown

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Builder Data Tab (Dataset Builder) Filter Transform using Columns with Date & Timestamp Data Types

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