Using Dashboard Level Filters

Dashboard Level Filtering allows you to change your Metrics' Date Range and Grouping, or apply a Custom Filter directly on the Dashboard rather than changing your chart's settings in the Metric Builder. For example, your Metric displays data for the Last 30 days by default, you can use Dashboard Filtering to change the Date Range to see data for This Year.


Dashboard-level filtering is only compatible with Metrics built using the Data Explorer Metric Builder.

When a Dashboard Filter is applied, all Basic Builder metrics display the following messaging on the Metric Tile - Filtering is not supported with Basic Builder.


To learn how to convert Basic Builder Metrics to Data Explorer metrics, click here.

Date Range Filter

By default, each Metric tile displays the Date Range selected in the Data Explorer Metric Builder. However, this Date Range is dynamic. You can change the Date Range by selecting a different time period from the dropdown. When you select a new Date Range, all Data Explorer Metrics will update on the Dashboard.


In the example below, each metric is displaying data for the Last 30 Days. You can use the Date Range Filter to display data for the Last 60 Days, or Year to Date.

To remove the Filter, simply click the X to the right of the Filter, all Metrics on the Dashboard will revert back to the Date Range defined in the Metric Builder.


Your Metric must have Data for the selected time frame for Grow to display the results. If you select a date range that your chart doesn't have data for, you will get the following messaging on the Metric Tile: "You have no data for this metric."

Grouping Filter

Just like the Date Range, each Metric on your Dashboard displays your chart's selected Grouping from the Metric Builder by default. However, if you would like to see more granular data, or more aggregated data, you can select a different Grouping granularity (day, week, month, quarter, year) directly on the Dashboard.

In the example below, "Sales by Close Date" and "Count of Deals by Lead Source" are both grouped by Day. I can use the Grouping Filter to change my chart's display from Daily Grouping, to Weekly, or Monthly.

To remove the Filter, simply click the "X" to the right of the Filter, all Metrics on the Dashboard will revert back to the Grouping defined in the Metric Builder.


Metrics will only Filter if the chart is grouped by a date column. If a Metric is grouped by a text or numeric column, the Grouping Filter will not be applied.

Custom Filter

Create Filters

Custom Filters allow you to Filter your Metrics by other columns in your data. For example, you could filter your dashboard by Sales Rep, Region, or Deal Amount. You can reference any Filterable Columns selected in the Metric Builder to setup Custom Filters. Grow requires that you configure Custom Filters, they are not available out of the box like the Date Range and Grouping Filters.

Follow through these steps to create a Custom Filter:

  1. Click the three dot menu on the top right corner of the dashboard and select Dashboard Filters, then click +Add Filter or Add Another Filter.
  2. Enter the name of the filter in the Filter name text box.
  3. Under the title field, there is a list of Metrics on the Dashboard. For each Metric that you want to Filter, select the Column to Filter by in the dropdown.
  4. Save the Filter and return to the Dashboard.


Please note that Custom Filters are Dashboard specific, meaning they cannot be used across multiple Dashboards in your Grow account. Defined Filters will only show in the "+Add Filter" dropdown for the Dashboard they were created on.

Apply Filters

Once your Filters are configured, click +Add Filter to expand the list of Filters you created. To apply a Filter, click on the Filter name and define the criteria. Grow automatically selects the "is one of" operator but you can override that selection if you want to use another operator (ex: "greater than"). You can apply multiple Filters to the Dashboard by defining criteria for each one. You can also collapse the Filters by selecting the X Filters Applied button.

Please note that the Filters are applied using AND logic.


Metric Tile Filter States

When a Dashboard Filter is applied, each Metric tile will indicate if the Filter was applied or not applied. The color of the dot and corresponding messaging can be helpful if you are trying to troubleshoot.

  • A green dot means the filter was successfully applied. Next to the green dot, Grow also lists the column used to Filter the metric, for example, Close Date.


  • A red dot means there was no column to Filter by. There are two scenarios in which your metric doesn't have a column to Filter by:
    1. If you have selected a Date Range Filter, you most likely don't have a Date column in your Metric's Charted Table of Data.
    2. If you have applied a Custom Filter, the red dot indicates the applied Filter is not setup for that Metric.
  • A gray dot means that the Filter does not apply to the Metric. There are two scenarios in which a Filter does not apply to a Metric:
    1. If you have applied a Custom Filter, the gray dot indicates the Custom Filter has "Filter does not apply" in the Column to Filter by selection of the Filter settings.
    2. If you have a Grouping Filter applied and the metric is not grouped by a date column.
    3. If the metric was built in Basic Builder and any Dashboard Filter is applied (Custom, Date Range, or Grouping), the gray dot will show on the metric tile with the following message: "Filtering is not supported with Basic Builder."


Can I apply multiple Dashboard Filters at the same time?

Yes! You can use the Date Range, Grouping and Custom Filter all at the same time. The metric will update as each Filter is applied on the Dashboard. The Filter states also indicate that multiple Filters are applied.


Will Key Values and Comparison Values respect filters applied on the Dashboard?

Key Values and Comparison Values will always filter when you apply a Custom Filter. However, when applying a Date Range Filter, Key Values and Comparison Values will only update if the Key Value Date Range is set to 'Chart Date Range' in the Metric Builder. If the Key Value Date Range is set to anything other than "Chart Date Range" (ex: Last 30 days) in the Builder, the Key Value will not update when you change the Date Range on the Dashboard.

Will applying a Dashboard Filter permanently change my metrics?

No, a dashboard filter will not permanently change your metric. If you refresh your dashboard, all of the metrics will reset to their saved metric settings.

What permission roles can use Dashboard Filters?

All permission roles in Grow can see and use Dashboard Filters.

What permission roles can create and edit Custom Filters?

Any user with Format Dashboard Access can manage (create, edit, delete) Custom Filters.

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