Chart Tab Overview

After you have pulled in the data and added the transforms to get the data you need, you can then move to the Chart tab to start creating a chart.


There are six general areas in the Chart tab:

  1. Chart Values and Grouping
  2. Key Values
  3. Chart Settings
  4. Chart Preview
  5. Data Area

Chart Values and Grouping

In this section you can select one or more data series from your data to show in the graph. When you select a data series, the Metric Builder will automatically select the first date column as the category labels (the x-axis). If no date column exists, then you will need to manually select a column to serve as the grouping for the data. While you can have multiple data series selected, you can only select one column as the grouping.

You can reselect a column or change the settings and formatting of the values and labels by clicking on the three-dot button at the right of that item to expand the options menu for that specific data series or grouping.


Key Values

You can highlight one or more specific number values above the chart in each metric.

Learn more about using Key Values.


Chart Settings

In this section you can change the settings for aspects of the chart or the metric itself, like slicing the data, adding a second value series to compare date, adding a legend or a goal line, or changing the refresh rate.

Some of these options cannot be used with other features. For example, if you are using the Slice option, you cannot use Compare Dates.

Date Range

Even if your chart isn't grouped by date (for example, a sales leaderboard), you should still select a date column and a specific date range so you can use the dashboard filters to see the performance. By default, the date range is Display all Data, which means that the chart is showing all the data and no date filter is applied.


You can filter out any specific data from the chart here. It works just like the Filter transform in the data tab.


The Slice option lets you segment the data by the values in a second column. For example, if you are showing total sales by day, you could also slice it by the lead source or sales rep.

Compare Dates

You can select a prior period of data to compare against what is being displayed in the chart. For example, if you are displaying data from the last 30 days, you can add a second value series to the chart for the prior 30 days, or the same 30 days from last quarter or year.

You cannot use this option if Display all Data option is selected as the date range.

Sort & Limit

You can specify if you'd like to display the data in ascending or descending order. If the chart is not based on date, you can choose to display a specific number of either the top or bottom records.


In this section, there are five options for your chart:

  • Goal Line: Add a dotted line in the chart that shows a specific goal or threshold.
  • Refresh Rate: This is how often the metric will update.
  • Snapshot Interval: You can adjust how often Grow will save a snapshot of the metric. Learn more.
  • Filterable Columns: If you want to use the custom filters in the metric's expanded view from the dashboard, you can select which columns you want available for that.
  • Display: This gives some chart options around displaying a legend, starting the y-axis at zero, and others. The options may change depending on the chart type or how many value series are being displayed.

Chart Preview

The chart preview simply shows you what the chart will look like on the dashboard with all of the settings applied.

You can preview the data as it's being used by the metric builder by toggling between the chart view and the table view at the top right of this area.


Data Area

You can view the data from each report by clicking on the report tab. If you want to make any changes to the data, you will need to click on the Data tab at the top center to switch to the data view. You can add any reports or export the data like you can while in the data view, and selecting any of these options will take you directly from the chart view to the data view.

Report Menu

Click on the down arrow next to the report number to see a list of options for that report.


Add/Edit Label: You can give each report a label to help distinguish what each report is for.

Duplicate Report: This will make an exact copy of the report, including all of the transforms and settings, and place it after any other reports.

Export raw data: Download a CSV file of the original data from the data source before any transforms are applied.

Export with Transforms: Download a CSV of the data after all of the current transforms are applied.

Remove Report: Delete the report. A dialog box will pop up to confirm your choice before it is deleted.

Show pre-transformed data: When this box is checked, the data displayed will be the original data before transforms were added. This can help you confirm any changes made to the data settings or look through the available data that might be hidden after a transform was applied.

Data preview: To help Grow load and display your data faster, only the first 300 rows are shown by default. The rest of the data is still there and will still show up in the chart. If you want to see the full report, uncheck this box to see more than 300 rows. If the data in the report has less than 300 rows to start with, this option will be unavailable.

Add report

If you want to add another report from any data source, click on the Add Report button at the far right of the data area. You will then select the data source and report settings like you did with the first report.

If you click on the down arrow next to that, you will see a list of options for special reports:

Spreadsheet Functions: This adds a blank spreadsheet to your report which you can use to add custom data or perform calculations between reports. It is basically a very rudimentary Excel sheet. Learn more about how to use Spreadsheet Functions.

Joined Report: You can combine two reports together based on a common field (like a date or ID number) to perform more advanced analytics. Learn more about how to use Joined Reports.

Master SQL: This allows you to write your own custom SQL query using data from all of the reports. Learn more about how to use the Master SQL report.

Add Report: Will add another report from any data source. You can perform the same action by selecting the main Add Report button.


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