Embed a Grow Dashboard in an iframe

You can display a Grow dashboard in an iframe. (The <iframe> tag in HTML is used to embed another HTML document within the current document. This allows you to display content from another source, such as a different webpage, video, or map, within your own webpage.) However, there are technological limitations and it can be hard to make everything look, and work right.

Please contact your account manager or support as you start this process so they can help you. They will enable it for your account. This isn't turned on by default for security reasons.

Next, you will need to get the URL for the iframe. Here's how to get it:

  1. On the dashboard that you want to embed, click on the dashboard action menu at the top right (the three dots) and select Dashboard Settings.
  2. Under the Sharing section, click Generate Share URL.
  3. Copy the new URL.

When you have your shared URL and iframing is enabled on your account, then you can embed it on your site using the <iframe src="URL"></iframe> HTML tag. Learn more about the iframe tag here.

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