There are many ways for you to display dashboards from Grow to a TV. The following options are available and supported by Grow: HDMI from laptop/computer to your tv, wirelessly connecting via ChromeCast. To ensure the best experience verify that your web browser is running off the most up to date version. Keep in mind that Grow works best on the Chrome browser.
Configuring Dashboards for Display
Single-Dashboard Configuration
Go to dashboard you want to display on the TV, then click the Full Screen Mode icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Click the Chrome prompt Allow full screen. You can then toggle between the light and dark modes.
Rotating through Dashboards
This setting will allow you to rotate through your favorite dashboards. In order to do this, go to the dashboard manager on the left and star the ones you want in your rotation.
Starred dashboards will appear at the top in your Favorite Dashboards list. Only the ones you have starred will show in the rotation.
You can then enter full screen mode.
Once in full screen, click the Play icon in the upper right-hand corner to rotate the dashboards. You will need to specify the time interval between transitions. If you enter a custom interval, be sure to press Go when you are done.
Use the zoom button (shift/command and +/-) to adjust the tiles on your dashboards to fit your screen size.
Updating the Chrome Extension
Here is how to update your extension:
- Select the Grow Companion Extension Logo on the extension bar in your browser.
- Select Manage Extensions in the menu.
- Select the Update button at the top of the page.
- You will likely have to log out of Grow and log back in for the changes to take effect.
How do I check to see if my web browser is up to date?
Type "chrome://settings/help" into the search bar. You will be taken to the Google Chrome settings where you can verify that your browser is up to date.
Microsoft Edge
Type "edge://settings/help" into the search bar. You will be taken to the Microsoft Edge settings where you can verify that your browser is up to date.