Expanded View allows you to focus in on a single metric on the dashboard. Here are the main use cases for using Expanded View:
- Presentation Layer: Focus the conversation on a single metric or KPI during a meeting.
- Analyze: Analyze your data directly on the dashboard. Expanded View allows you to apply different date ranges and custom filters, switch the chart type, or zoom in on different anomalies in your data.
- Drill Down: Drill down into a specific data point to see the transactional data that makes up that number.
- Export: Export the data fueling your metric to a CSV.
To learn more about all of the functionality you get with Expanded View, see below.
Accessing Expanded View
Clicking on the expand icon in the top right corner of a metric takes you to the expanded view of a metric. To view a metric in Expanded View, click the expand arrow in the top right corner of the metric tile. Once you open a metric in Expanded View, you can use the left and right arrows to view other metrics on the dashboard in Expanded View as well.
Expanded View Header
The Expanded View header contains the metric title, an action menu, edit pencil, and an "X" button to exit Expanded View.
Metric Title
The metric title helps tell us what data we are looking at.
Action Menu
The action menu allows you to carry out different actions for the specific metric you are viewing in Expanded View. Please note you will not have access to the action menu if you have View Only Permissions.
Edit: This opens the metric builder (in the same tab) with the chart preloaded so you can make edits.
Copy: This allows you to Copy a metric to a new dashboard. Upon clicking "Copy," you will be presented with a modal to select what dashboard you would like to save the metric on.
Copy and Edit: This opens a separate version of the metric in the metric builder with the chart preloaded so you can make edits.
Move: This allows you to Move the metric to another dashboard, removing the metric from the current dashboard.
Add to Dashboard: This action allows you to add the existing metric to another dashboard, while keeping the metric on the current dashboard as well. When adding a metric to another dashboard, these metrics are "linked," any changes made to one metric will be reflected across all metrics.
Delete: This action deletes the metric from the dashboard.
Use the pencil icon to make changes to the charts.
The left panel of Expanded View contains three sections:
- Explore
- Details
- History
Explore is the default section when you open a metric in Expanded View. Explore has three different views: Raw Data, Chart Data and Chart.
Chart is the default view, here you will see the chart and key values displayed. Toggling to the Chart Data allows you to see the data that makes up your chart, similar to the chart/table toggle in the metric builder. Lastly, toggling to the Raw Data View allows you to see the transactional data that makes up your chart.
Chart View
The tools you have to analyze your data on the Chart view depend on which builder the metric was created in, Data Explorer or Basic Builder. We've outlined the behavior below for Data Explorer, but they are similar for Basic Builder.
Data Explorer
Chart Type
Change the chart type of the metric by selecting a different option in the dropdown. Please note that you can only change the chart type to another compatible chart type. For example, you can change a bar chart to a line chart, but you cannot change a bar chart to a pie chart.
Date Range and Grouping
The Date Range filter specifics the range of data to include, the Date Grouping defines the level of granularity (day, month, year, etc).
When you initially open a metric in Expanded View, the default Date Range and Grouping will be the same settings you defined in the Metric Builder. Select a different Date Range to view a different time period or change your grouping to see your data displayed at a different granularity. Please note that if your metric is not grouped by a date column, you will not have access to change the grouping granularity, but you can change the date range.
You can apply a custom Filter to your chart using the Filterable Columns you have selected in the Metric Builder. In Data Explorer, all Filterable Columns are selected by default so you have access to filter down your metric in Expanded View.
Under the Filter section, you will see the first 15 Filterable Columns in your metric. If you have more than 15 columns, Grow automatically collapses the rest. You can access the additional columns by clicking "Show X more columns" (where X is the number of remaining Filterable Columns), or simply search to find a column you want to filter by.
To add a Filter, click the column you want to filter by, chose the operator and set the criteria. When the filter is applied, the Filter is moved to the top of the list and a box is displayed with the criteria set. Please note if you want to define more than one Filter, the logic will be an "AND" statement.
In addition to the Filters defined in Expanded View, you will also notice any Filters defined in the Data Explorer Metric Builder are also listed in this section. You cannot remove the Filter, but you can edit it if you choose to. Grow displays Filters from the Metric Builder so you can better understand the logic that makes up the values in the chart.
Legend Toggle
Toggle different data series on and off by clicking on the box. The gray box with an X denotes the data series is toggled off. Simply click the box again to toggle the series back on. Please note the legend will only appear if metric has multiple value series and the legend display settings are turned on in the chart settings.
Raw Data View
Navigating to the Raw Data view will display the transactional data that makes up your chart. The table of data displayed references the final table of the transformation pipeline on the Data tab of the Metric Builder.
The specific columns displayed in the Raw Data view are dictated by the Filterable Columns selected in the Metric Builder. In Data Explorer, all Filterable Columns are selected by default but can be unselected in the Settings section on the Chart Tab.
Zoom in on certain time periods to focus in on single data point. To Zoom in on a certain time period, simply click the starting point and drag left or right to the end period you wish to display. You can do this multiple times to keep honing in on a specific detail. To reset the chart view, simply click the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the metric.
Save as New Metric and Reset View
Expanded View allows you to perform an ad hoc analysis on the dashboard: change the Chart Type, analyze a different time frame, use dynamic groupings, or add custom Filters. If you manipulate the metric using these tools, you can save that view as a new metric in your account by using the "Save as New Metric" button in the bottom left corner of Expanded View. Upon clicking "Save as New Metric" you will be presented with a modal to name the metric and select a dashboard where you want to save the metric.
Reset View will reset the Chart Type, Date Range, and Grouping granularity back to the original metric settings and clear any custom Filters applied.
The Details section in Expanded View allows you to see different information about the metric. For example, you can see who created the metric, when it last updated and the datasources fueling the metric. Here is a full list of everything you can see in the Details section:
Metric Owner: The user who created the metric.
Description: The description defined for the metric. Please note the description is added in the metric builder and cannot be edited in Expanded View.
Metric Last Updated: The date and time the metric was last updated. To learn more about refresh rates in Grow, please see our Metrics section.
Datasources: Connection or Datasets used to build the metric. Each report you have pulled in on the Data Tab of the Metric Builder will show here, with the exception of Joined Reports, Union All, or Master SQL. Under each Connection or Data you can also see when the report was last refreshed and the individual refresh rate set on the report.
Shared Locations: Lists other dashboards in your account that the metric is shared on. You can click on the dashboard name and you will be brought to the appropriate dashboard.
The History section in Expanded View allows you to view historical snapshots of your metric over time. To learn more about how History snapshots work and how to set them up, please see our Set a Snapshot Internal To View Metric History help article.