Data in Data Tab

Grow is the central hub for all your business data and the Data Overview page give you a birds eye view of all this data. The Data Overview page shows where your data is coming from, how much data you are using, and how your data is being utilized. The Data Overview page can be found by clicking on Data in the app header bar.


The first thing you will see when you navigate to the Data Overview page is a visualization of your Connections, Rows Stored, and Datasets.


The purple Connections section shows how many Connections and unique Data Sources your account has. Clicking on the Connections box will navigate you to the Connections Overview page. Connections pulling the most number of rows will appear in the visualization. If you have more than nine Connections, they will appear in the more box. You may click on a Connection to navigate directly to the detail page of that Connection or the more box to navigate to Connections Overview page.

The green Rows section displays how many rows of data are currently stored in your Grow account.

Finally, the red Datasets sections shows how many Datasets your account has and how many metrics are using those Datasets. Clicking on the Datasets box will navigate you to the Datasets Overview page. Similar to the Connection section, your nine most used datasets will appear in the visualization, with the rest appearing in the more box. Clicking on a Dataset will navigate you directly to the detail page of the Dataset. Clicking on the more box will navigate you to the Datasets Overview page.

Rows Refreshed and Stored Metrics


Beneath the visualization you will find two metrics, Rows Refreshed and Rows Stored. These metrics give you insight into how many rows of data your account is using and storing on a daily basis. The Rows Refreshed metrics shows day by day the total count of rows that were refreshed in your metrics and datasets. The Rows Stored metrics shows the rows of data that were stored in metrics and datasets across your grow account on a given day.

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