Connecting your Database

Grow can connect to many different Databases, including Cloud-based and On-premise databases. These connection steps are generally for Grow's integrations with databases, such as the PostgreSQl, MySql, etc.

Connecting to a Database

Before connecting the database to Grow, you need to whitelist Grow's IP Addresses. This creates an open path between our servers and your database so we can update your data in Grow at the rate you choose.

Create a read-only user for your database, and make sure it has the right permissions and access to the tables you want to use in Grow. (We only need to read your data; we don't want permissions to edit it). You'll need the username and password for the read-only user later.

To connect the database in Grow:

  1. Navigate to Data tab > Connections .
  2. Click the blue Connect button.
  3. Search and select the database you want to connect.
  4. In the window that pops up, enter the following information:
    • Connection Name: Can be anything you want to pick in order to help you remember what the connection is. Sometimes this can include the source (for example Amazon) or the type (for example App User Statistics).
    • Host: Location of the server you are connected to as a means to access the DB. This is where the DB is located.
    • Port: The connection to your DB. We sometimes pre-fill this field with 3306 as this is the most commonly used port.
    • Database Name: The name was set when you created the database. A lot of people name their original username and database the same.
    • Username: Username for the read-only user on your database. You can create this read only user just for Grow.
    • Password: This is the password for the read-only user on your database.

    Following image shows MySQL, but these are applicable for any database connector in Grow.

  5. Once you are done filling the required fields, click the blue Connect button.

Keeping Your Data Secure

What We Do to Increase Database Security

All of our connections to the app from the browser are forced to a HTTPS session with a DigiCert SSL certificate. We use a secure connection (TLS or SSL) when connecting to a database, and the data is encrypted on both ends of the connection.

All of our servers are located on the best-of-class Amazon Web Services.

What You Can Do to Increase Database Security

  • Use a read-only user to connect to Grow. We do not have anything built into the platform to add or affect data in your database, so there is no reason to have anything more than read-only privileges.
  • Only open one port for Grow.
  • Whitelist our server IPs so a private database is never left wide open.
  • Use a SSH Tunnel to add an extra layer of security.
  • Use an identity-based data service.

Read more about how we keep your data and account secure and what steps you can take.

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