With 100+ native connections available, there are many options for pulling your data into Grow. However, it's possible you are trying to use a data source that we don't have a native connector for. The great news is that there are plenty of alternative methods to pull the data into Grow without a native connector.
Here are some ways:
Data Exports into Grow
If your data source application allows file-based exports, then you can use one of several file-based connections to get your data into Grow. Google Drive, Google Sheets, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, Amazon S3, and Excel/File Upload are all natively supported in Grow.
While we can't speak for all platforms, typically obtaining a data export from a platform is a fairly quick process, it just takes someone within your organization performing that action of exporting the data and adding/replacing it in the connector of your choosing on some recurring interval to keep that data up to date and ready to use within Grow!
Additionally, if your application supports FTP/SFTP, you can also set that up in Grow with the FTP/SFTP connector.
Send the Data to a Database
Grow offers several connections to various database options like SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon Redshift, and Google BigQuery. If you have a resource that can get the data from your application into a database, you can use any of Grow's native database connectors to pull the data into Grow.
There are also third party tools you can explore like Stitch Data, Fivetran, Saras Analytics, and Segment.io that offer hundreds of data source connections that can pipe data directly into a database. These are usually paid services and you will need a database to send your data to, but many customers use this method successfully. It's important to note that you'll need someone within your organization that can run point on keeping up with the ins and outs of whatever service you choose, as well as how to pull the data from the database into Grow.
There is a Custom REST API connector built within Grow that is sometimes a viable option to help pull your data in. There are certain instances where it may not work based on the API, but it is an option you can explore if you have a technical resource on your end who may familiar with the API you are trying to pull data from. You can read more about this data source here.
We hope this information helps in getting all the data you need into Grow. If you have any other questions please reach out to our support team at support@grow.com.