Teamwork Projects

Teamwork Projects helps to optimize team performance by enabling collaboration, streamlining processes, and empowering your teams. This article will give you an overview of the Teamwork/Grow integration.

Connecting to Teamwork Projects

Before connecting, collect your Teamwork API Key and Site Name.

  1. Sign in to your Grow account and click on the Data tab.
  2. Select Connections > +Connect.
  3. Search and select Teamwork Projects from the list of data connections.
  4. Type in your Site Name.
    When your team creates an account in Teamwork, you choose your site name. This is what you enter into the first field.
  5. Type in your API Key.
    You can find your API Key by following the steps below:
    1. In your Teamwork account, click on your profile picture in the right-hand corner.
    2. Click on Edit My Details located in the pop-up menu.
    3. Locate and open the API & Mobile tab.
      A section labeled Your API Token is displayed.
    4. Click on Show your Token.

And that’s it. You are good to go!

Data Warehousing

Teamwork Projects is on the Grow Data Warehouse, which we highly recommend you use. For more information about warehousing your data, visit the Data Warehouse Help Article.


The list of tables available will depend on your unique Teamwork Project. You can expect to see one table per dataset associated with the project ID in your connection. Below is an example:

Other Tables

The following tables are available in Grow.
Note that other tables are not automatically turned on and must be toggled on individually for these tables to be stored.

  • Tasks
  • Completed Tasks
  • Projects
  • Milestones
  • Task Lists
  • Budgets
  • Companies
  • People
  • Notebooks
  • Invoices
  • Expenses
  • Risks
  • Project Updates
  • Tags
  • Custom Fields
  • Dashboards
  • Account Details
  • Latest Activities
  • Workload
  • Time Entries

Warehousing Your Data

  1. In the Connections Overview Page, click on your Teamwork Projects connection.
    This opens the Connection Details page.
  2. Select the Manage Connection button inside the Connection Details section to open the warehouse table selection flow.
  3. Select the data you want stored in the Data Warehouse and click the Sync & Store button at the bottom of the Manage Connection page.
    This begins the initial population of your warehouse with the tables you defined. Populating your data warehouse for the first time may take a while, sometimes up to several hours.

You may continue working within the app while your data is In Queue or Processing.

If your data source isn't already connected, refer to the Connecting to a Data Source for more details.

Sync Interval

Full Sync

Full sync intervals is 12 hours for Other Tables.

Incremental Sync

Incremental sync is not supported for Other Tables.

To learn more about sync intervals and how to adjust the default settings, please visit the Sync section of the Data Warehouse help article.

Direct Query

A direct query connection can be used to pull data into Grow. With abnormal usage, Direct Query can run into API limitations depending on the data source. For this reason, we recommend that you use Grow's Data Warehouse for a more performant, reliable experience.


Below is a list of the endpoints offered through the Teamwork/Grow integration, along with a description of the data that each report returns.

  • Account Details: Retrieves details about the Teamwork account, including status, name, date signed up, company name, created date, cache UUID, account holder id, logo, id, URL, company id, language, code, etc.
  • Budget: Get a list of budgets information including type, status, project status, order mode and by, project healths, page, page size, project tags ids, project owner ids, etc. Only available with the Teamwork Project "Grow" and "Enterprise" plan.
  • Calendar Events: Gets all calendar events that the current user can see in the provided date range including start date, project statuses, order mode and by, end date, project healths, etc.
  • Companies: Company information including state, name, address, email, contacts, industry, website, phone, company name URL, country, zip, city, id, etc.
  • Completed Tasks: All tasks with completed status for the desired date range, including due date, estimated time, completer name and ID, total time logged, project name and status, company name, etc.
  • Custom Field: Return all custom fields for provided filters including, project statuses, order mode and by, name, entities, project id, project limits, project health, etc.
  • Dashboards: Dashboards contains panels that are used to summarize many activities from the installation including updated after, order mode and by, user id, project id, page size, etc.
  • Expenses: Get all expenses across all projects including invoice id, project id, name, description, created by user first name, company id, project name, created by user id, date, company name, cost, etc.
  • Installation Project Summary: Retrieves the summary from the entire installation, returning counters about tasks, milestones, columns, events, risks, timers, projects healths.
  • Invoice: Brings back all the invoices across all projects including page and type.
  • Latest Activities: Lists the latest activity across all projects ordered chronologically, including updated after, start date, sort, project statuses, project status, order mode, order by, end date, activity types, project id, project healths, page size, etc.
  • Milestones: Milestone information, including project ID and name, completer, status, completion details, responsible party details, reminders, task lists, description, deadline, created date, last change date, comment information, among other details.
  • Milestones by Project: Milestone information for each project you select, including project ID and name, completer, status, completion details, responsible party details, reminders, task lists, description, deadline, created date, last change date, comment information, among other details.
  • Notebooks: Retrieves a list of notebooks including updated after date, search term, project type, project statuses, order mode and by, project healths, etc.
  • People: Retrieves all people for the provided filters including, user type, updated after, order by and mode, last login after, included clients, include service accounts, exclude accounts, etc.
  • Projects: All projects, including starred, status, substatus, date, category name and ID, tags, created date, start date, end date, company name and ID, description, custom fields, etc.
  • Project Updates: Return the updates from all projects that the logged-in user can access including project statuses, order mode and by, created after, project id, project health, etc.
  • Risks: Returns all risks for the provided filters including updated after and date, statuses, sort order, sort, search term, report format, report format, project statuses, order mode and by, project healths, probability to and from, etc.
  • Running Timers: Returns all currently running timers including project id, task id, running timers only. If the timer has never been stopped then this interval will only have a from property set and the you will need to calculate the current duration of the timer.
  • Tags: Returns all tags that the logged-in user can access including updated after, search term order mode and by, item type, filter, page size, etc.
  • Tasks: All tasks and subtasks filtered by start, updated, or completed date. Field data includes task ID, completer name and ID, project name and status, company name, project description, priority, estimated time, due date, progress, has tickets, recurring details, etc.
  • Time Tracking: All entries for hours worked on tasks and projects for the desired date range, including date, start time, task estimate time, logged time, date updated, to-do item name, is billed, person name, parent task ID, project name and status, invoice number, etc.
  • Time Tracking By Project: All entries for hours worked on the selected project(s) for the desired date range, including project name and status, to-do item name, is billed, created date, person name, start time, total time logged, description, etc.
  • Time Totals by Project: An aggregate of hours logged on the selected project(s) for the desired date range, including company name and ID, time estimates, total time logged, billed and unbilled hours, billed and unbilled minutes, etc.
  • Workload: Lists the workload across all projects, sort by users, company or project.

Custom fields are defined within Teamwork by the account admin.

FAQs + Tips and Tricks

Why can I not see/access the Budget endpoint?

In order to access the Budget endpoint your Teamwork Projects account plan must be subscribed to the "Grow" or "Enterprise" plan.

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