Warehouse in Data Tab

Warehouse is where you can see and manage all the different Warehouse tables you have created from your Connections in Grow.


You can use the search bar to quickly find a specific Warehouse Table or click on the connection icon at the top to filter to Warehouse Tables for that Connection. You can also see at a glance how many rows are in each table and when the table last updated.

Warehouse Details

To see more information about a specific Warehouse table, click on the table name to open the warehouse details page. On this page you can:

  • See how many metrics and dataset the table is used in.
  • See when the table completed it's last sync and what kind of sync it was - full or incremental.
  • Manage the sync settings of the table.
    • Full Sync
    • Incremental Sync - if available.
    • Manual Sync
  • Create a Dataset from the table.
  • See a Data Preview of the table.
  • Turn off all syncs of the table.
  • Delete the table.


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