Warehouse is where you can see and manage all the different Warehouse tables you have created from your Connections in Grow.
You can use the search bar to quickly find a specific Warehouse Table or click on the connection icon at the top to filter to Warehouse Tables for that Connection. You can also see at a glance how many rows are in each table and when the table last updated.
Warehouse Details
To see more information about a specific Warehouse table, click on the table name to open the warehouse details page. On this page you can:
- See how many metrics and dataset the table is used in.
- See when the table completed it's last sync and what kind of sync it was - full or incremental.
- Manage the sync settings of the table.
- Full Sync
- Incremental Sync - if available.
- Manual Sync
- Create a Dataset from the table.
- See a Data Preview of the table.
- Turn off all syncs of the table.
- Delete the table.