Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a powerful digital marketing platform that powers your customers’ journeys across every touchpoint—email, social, mobile, and web. This article will give you an overview of the Grow/Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration.

Connecting to Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Before connecting Salesforce Marketing Cloud /ExactTarget to Grow, you will need to add an API integration to your installed package in Marketing Cloud. Note: to create an API integration, you must have the Installed Package / Administer permission. Salesforce has an article (linked here) that describes the process, which is outlined below.

  1. Log into your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account.
  2. Click on your username in the top right corner and open the Setup page.

  1. Under Platform Tools, expand the Apps section and click on Installed Packages.

  1. Click New to create a new package. Give the package a name and description, then Save.
  2. Click Add Component and select API Integration.
  3. Select Server-to-Server with Client Credentials Grant Type as the integration type since GROW uses server-to-server.
  4. Set the integration properties, including scopes and the redirect URIs for web and public apps. Use as a valid redirect URI.
  5. Save the component.
  6. Navigate to API Integration in the Details page to get your Client ID, Client Secret, and Authentication Base URI.

Now that you have your Client Id, Client Secret, and Authentication Base URI, here's how to configure your connection within Grow.

  1. Click on the Data tab at the top left of the global navigation.
  2. Select Connections in the Data Library section.
  3. Click on the blue Connect button.
  4. Search and select Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  5. Enter your Salesforce Marketing Cloud credentials in the pop up window. A green confirmation message is displayed if the connection was successful.


Below is a list of the endpoints that the Grow/Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration offers, along with a short description of each.

  • Campaigns: All campaigns, including created and modified dates, campaign ID, name, description, among other campaign details.
  • Emails: All email templates matching the selected created date range, including client and email IDs, modified date, name, category, text body, subject, status, email type, cloned from, content, is survey, among other details.
  • Sent Email: All sent emails within the selected date range, including partner name, created, modified, and send dates, bounce info, forwarded emails, unique clicks and opens, number sent and delivered, subject, among other details.
  • Bounces: All bounces within the selected date range, including client ID, created/modified date, event date and type, bounce category, SMTP reason, bounce type, among other details.
  • Clicks: All clicks within the selected date range, including created and modified dates, click ID, send ID, subscriber key, event date and type, and URL, among other details.
  • Forwarded Email: All email forwarding events within the selected date range, including created and modified dates, send, and client IDs, partner and subscriber keys, event date and type, among other details.
  • Subscribers: All new subscribers within the selected date range, including subscribe and created dates, billing and shipping details, related items price, discount types and amounts, product brand, most recent order, name and other contact info, purchased category, order details (amount, cancelled, most recent order) monetary and spend ranks, returns, customer type, among other details.
  • Unsubscribes: All unsubscribe events within the selected date range, including created and modified dates; object, send and client IDs; subscriber key, event date and type, and list ID and type.
  • Individual Sends: Client, object, send, and batch IDs, partner and subscriber keys, event date and type, among other details.

API Documentation

This is for reference only. You should not need to consult this to use the connection in Grow.

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