
Certain information in this article may be missing or out of date. We are in the process of updating the content.

YouTube allows you to share videos with the world and build your audience. With Grow, you can visualize, monitor, and analyze your most relevant video management data, including video performance, channel views, subscribers, and more.

Connecting to YouTube

Before you get started, you will need your Google login information.

  1. Select the Data tab next to the Dashboard.
    This takes you to the Data Overview page.
  2. Click on the Connections button.
  3. Click on the blue Connect button at the end of the Your Top Data Sources options.
  4. From the list of Connections, search and select the YouTube logo.
  5. Sign in with your Google account.
  6. Once you have signed in, grant Grow access to your YouTube data by pressing the Allow button.

Data Warehousing

YouTube is on the Grow Data Warehouse, which we highly recommend you use. For more information about warehousing your data, visit the Data Warehouse Help Article.

Custom Tables

Grow offers you the flexibility to configure your custom tables based on the metrics, dimensions, date, Dimension(s) to filter by - separated by a comma, Max Results, Dimension(s) to filter by - separated by a comma that you see fit.

Note that YouTube API limits the number of dimensions (13) and metrics (29) that can be selected within a single report, but you can configure as many reports as you need. For a full list of dimensions and metrics available within YouTube, visit YouTube documentation.

Following tables are part of the Grow Data Warehouse:

  • Daily Snapshot
  • Top 100 Viewed Videos

Warehousing Your Data

  1. Starting with the Connections page, navigate to your HubSpot connection and click on it to open the Connection Details page.
  2. Select the Manage Connection button inside the Connection Details section to open the warehouse table selection flow.
  3. Once you have finished selecting the data that you want stored in the Data Warehouse, click the Sync & Store button at the bottom of the Manage Connection page. This will begin the initial population of your warehouse with the tables you defined. Populating your data warehouse for the first time may take a while, even up to several hours.
  4. While your data is "In Queue" or "Processing", you may continue working within the app.

Sync Interval

Full Sync

The default sync interval is 24 hours per table.

Incremental Sync

Incremental sync is not available for YouTube.

To learn more about sync intervals and how to adjust the default settings, please visit the relevant section of the Data Warehouse help article.


YouTube does not have any “set” reports. Any reports that pull data from YouTube are created using a combination of metrics and dimensions. This makes the reports pretty dynamic, but it also makes it a little tricky to make sense of. Here’s what a YouTube report is made of.

  • Metrics are measurements of user activity (such as video view counts and likes/dislikes), ad performance, or earnings.
  • Dimensions are the criteria you use to aggregate data, such as dates or location of a user’s activity. It explains how the metric information will be grouped.

If you want to learn more about report parameters in YouTube, they have a helpful article here that you can reference.

FAQs + Tips and Tricks

YouTube Analytics does not provide real-time data as the data is typically subject to some delay due to processing and aggregation requirements. The exact delay can vary but it usually takes between 48 and 72 hours to be available. This basically means that, when pulling data, the data remains empty for a few days.

If you want to learn more about data delays in YouTube Analytics, they have a helpful article here that you can reference.

Filtering in YouTube

Filters identify dimension values that must be present in the retrieved data set. Using filters narrows down the data you get back further. For example, instead of pulling users by country, you could filter it to only show users from a specific country.

In Grow, you can specify specific dimensions to filter by. This Google Analytics document gives you the list of filter operators, which you can use in YouTube. Note that this is for Google Analytics, but you can use the same operators when creating filter expressions in YouTube.

Generating Max Results

YouTube usually requires max results field and a dimension to sort by. If you are having issues pulling in data try adding those.

Setting up the Query

YouTube has some documentation that might help you find ways to build a report in Grow. Check out this article to see a list of common use cases and the request parameters (metrics, dimensions, and filters) that you can recreate in Grow to pull in the information.

How to get Total Subscribers

In order to get the total number of subscribers to your Youtube account you'll need to pull in the metrics subscribersGained and subscribersLost for the entire period of time that your account has been active. You can do this by selecting the metrics subscribersGained and subscribersLost and then in the Date section select Custom Date. Then fill out the Since section with {{date(,'YYYY-MM-DD')}} where the YYYY-MM-DD is the day your account was activated, and the Until section with {{date('YYYY-MM-DD')}}. Then use the Calculated Columns transform to subtract subscribersLost from subscribersGained to get your Total Subscribers.

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