
Wrike's project management tool helps remote and co-located team members collaborate and organize tasks more efficiently so that projects are completed faster. The Grow/Wrike integration allows you to analyze and track your project data in real-time and provide key decision-makers with the information they need, when they need it.

Connecting to Wrike

It is recommended to have your Wrike credentials before you get started with the connection process.

  1. Sign in to your Grow account and click on the Data tab.
  2. Select Connections > Connect.
  3. Search and select Wrike from the list of data connections.
  4. Login with your Wrike credentials in the authentication pop up window.

And that's it! You're set to build metrics.

Data Warehousing

Wrike is on the Grow Data Warehouse, which we highly recommend you use. . For more information about warehousing your data, visit the Data Warehouse Help Article.


The list of tables available will depend on your unique Wrike project. You can expect to see one table per dataset associated with the project ID in your connection.

Suggested Tables

The following suggested tables are available in Grow. These are toggled on by default when you sync your data for the first time.

  • Comments
  • Folders
  • Groups
  • Tasks
  • Time Logs
  • Users

Warehousing Your Data

  1. In the Connections Overview Page, click on your Wrike connection.
    This opens the Connection Details page.
  2. Select the Manage Connection button inside the Connection Details section to open the warehouse table selection flow.
  3. Select the data you want stored in the Data Warehouse and click the Sync & Store button at the bottom of the Manage Connection page.
    This begins the initial population of your warehouse with the tables you defined. Populating your data warehouse for the first time may take a while, sometimes up to several hours.

You may continue working within the app while your data is In Queue or Processing.

If your data source is not already connected, refer to the Connecting to a Data Source for more details.

Sync Interval

Full Sync

The default sync interval is 1 week.

Incremental Sync

Incremental Sync is available for all Wrike warehouse tables. The default incremental sync interval is 1 hour.

To learn more about sync intervals and how to adjust the default settings, please visit the Sync section of the Data Warehouse help article.


Below is a complete list of the endpoints that the Wrike integration offers, along with a short description of the data each one returns:

  • Users: All users, including name, ID, type, timezone, locale, deleted, company name, phone, title, location, etc.
  • Groups: All user groups, including group ID, name, type, timezone, locale, deleted, my team, etc.
  • Folders & Projects: All folders and projects, including title, scope, child IDs, project author, owner IDs, status, completed date, etc.
  • Tasks: All tasks filtered by user. Additional filter options include status, created date, due date, or completed date. These filters can be selected from the checkbox or drop-down menus that are automatically generated when the Tasks report is selected:
    • Fields for the Tasks report includes task ID, active, completed, deferred, cancelled, account name and ID, title, description, status, importance, created date, scope, priority, duration, start date, due date, completed date, responsible IDs, superParentIds, etc.
  • Comments: All comments, including author ID, text, created date, parent task name and ID, author name and ID, etc.
  • Time Logs: All time entries for the desired date range, including parent task name and ID, user name and ID, hours, created date, tracked date, comment, etc.
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