RingCentral offers a secure and reliable cloud-based unified communications solution that combines business phone, conferencing, video meetings, messaging, collaboration, and contact center capabilities. The RingCentral/Grow integration allows you insights into your RingCentral data, helping you improve communication from your company.
In this article, we will cover:
Connecting to RingCentral
Before you get started you will need to collect your RingCentral login credentials.
- Click on the Data tab at the top left of the global navigation. You will be brought to your Data Connections.
- Click on the blue Connect button and search for RingCentral.
- Click on the RingCentral logo.
- A window will pop up to log in with your RingCentral credentials. After entering your credentials you will see a green confirmation message that the connection has been made.
Data Warehousing
Asana is on the Grow Data Warehouse, which we highly recommend you use. For more information about warehousing your data, visit the Data Warehouse Help Article.
The following tables are available in Grow:
Call Logs
- Call Logs (Formatted)
- Message Recipients
- Messages (Formatted)
Warehousing your Data
- Starting with the Connections Overview Page, navigate to your RingCentral connection and click on it to open the Connection Details page.
- Select the Manage Connection button inside the Connection Details section to open the warehouse table selection flow.
- If your data source isn't already connected, refer to the Connecting to Data Sources for more details. If your data source is already connected, you can immediately select which tables of data you want to warehouse.
- Once you have finished selecting the data that you want stored in Grow’s Data Warehouse, click the Sync & Store button at the bottom of the Manage Connection page. This will begin the initial population of your warehouse with the tables you defined. Populating your data warehouse for the first time may take a while, even up to several hours.
- While your data is "In Queue" or "Processing", you may continue working within the app.
Sync Interval
Full Sync
The default sync interval is 12 hours per table for the following tables:
Call Logs
- Call Logs (Formatted)
- Message Recipients
- Messages (Formatted)
Incremental Sync
When incremental sync is available, the default incremental sync interval is 1 hour, while the default full sync interval is 1 week.
Incremental sync is not currently available for RingCentral warehoused tables.
To learn more about sync intervals and how to adjust the default settings, please visit the sync section of the Data Warehouse help article.
Direct Query
A direct query connection can be used to pull data into Grow. With abnormal usage, Direct Query can run into API limitations depending on the data source. For this reason, we recommend that you use Grow's Data Warehouse for a more performant, reliable experience.
Below is a list of reports that RingCentral offers, along with a short description of each.
- Call Log: List of all calls occurring on account. Includes call start time, duration of call, direction, action, recipient name, result, etc.
- Messages: List of all messages received for specific time period, including message date, type message, read status, message priority, duration, etc.
API Documentation
This is for reference only. You should not need to consult this to use the connection in Grow.
What are RingCentral's Rate Limits?
RingCentral has very strict rate limits, meaning that they restrict how much data you can pull within a certain time period. If too much data is requested within that time period, your request will be throttled by the server. These limits apply when connecting RingCentral to Grow. Rate limits vary by plan. If you want to learn more or find your own rate limits, RingCentral has an article that explains it more in detail.
Where can I find Call Logs for Unassigned Phone Numbers?
RingCentral's API does not return call logs for phone numbers that have not yet been assigned to a user. If you need to reference this, please reference RingCentral's help article: https://support.ringcentral.com/article/Phone-Numbers-View-Unassigned-Phone-Numbers-RingCentral.html
What Happens if I Reset RingCentral Password?
If anyone resets their RingCentral password, they receive a code from RingCentral to re-authenticate their account. This causes an issue when that account is connected to Grow. If that code changes, you will need to reconnect your RingCentral connection in Grow before your RingCentral data will pull through to your metrics.
If you need help re-authenticating the connection, go into your account settings, then select Data Connections from the left-hand menu. You can search for the data connection or scroll to find it, then click the blue Reconnect button. There you can re-authenticate your account.