helps you manage marketing campaigns, plan product launches, and keep track of tasks and company projects. Our integration will help keep your team focused on what needs to be done and visualize how well you use your time to accomplish the things that matter most. is only available as a warehoused data source. You will need to warehouse your tables before you can build a metric or dataset.
Connecting to
Before connecting please collect your API token.
- Click on the Data tab at the top left of the global navigation. You will be brought to your Data Connections.
- Click on the blue Connect button and search for
- Click on the logo.
- Enter your API Key.
- Press Connect.
And that’s it. You are good to go!
Data Warehouse is on the Grow Data Warehouse, which we highly recommend you use. For more information about warehousing your data, visit the Data Warehouse Help Article.
Custom Tables
You can choose which boards to pull into Grow by choosing the Workspace name and selecting the Board you want. You can name your warehoused table according to your needs. Each board will be warehoused as a separate table.'s API treats all Subitems on a particular board as a standalone board and thus will be displayed in the drop-down as "- Subitems of [board name]" underneath the parent board name.
Other Tables
These additional tables are available in Grow.
- Boards (Formatted)- id, owner id, board folder id, board kind, name, permissions, pos, etc.
- Board Columns- board id, column id, column title, column type, column position, etc.
- Board Group- board id, group id, group title, group color, group position, etc.
- Board Group Items- board id, group id, group item id
- Board Items- board id, item id, item name
- Board Subscribers- board id, subscriber id
- Board Tags- board id, tag id
- Board Updates- board id, update id
- Items (Formatted)- id, board id, creator name, creator email, group id, name, state, etc.
- Item Assets- item id, asset id, asset name, asset created at, asset public url, etc.
- Item Column Values- item id, column value id, column value text, column value title, etc.
- Item Subscribers- item id, subscriber id, subscriber name, subscriber email
- Item Update- item id, update id
- Tags
- Teams (Formatted)- id, name, picture url
- Update (Formatted)- id, creator name, creator email, creator id, item id, text body, etc.
- Update Assets- update id, asset id, asset name, asset created at, asset url, etc.
- Update Replies- update id, reply id, reply creator id, reply creator name, reply body, etc.
- Users (Formatted)- id, account id, account name, email, location, mobile phone, name, etc.
- User Teams- user id, team id, name
API Documentation
This is for reference only. You should not need to consult this to use the connection in Grow.
FAQs + Tips and Tricks
Where do I find my API Key/Token needed to log into Grow?
If you have administrative privileges in, please follow these steps to generate a key:
- Log into your account.
- Click on your avatar in the bottom left corner.
- Select Admin.
- Select API on the left side of the admin page.
- Scroll down to the API V2 Token section, and click Generate.
- Copy this token.
If you are not an admin of your account, you can retrieve your API token via the developers section, following these steps:
- Go to your avatar menu.
- Select Developers.
- Open the Developer drop-down at the top of the page and select My Access Tokens.
Not all column types are supported by's API's API doesn't currently return data from columns with the following data types:
- Auto number
- Formula
- Progress bar