
10,000 Feet (10k) allows you to monitor the status of your teams and their projects in real time and makes resource management, project planning, and time tracking simple. The Grow/10k' integration allows you to visualize your data and answer the most vital questions to the long-term success of your organization.

We are no longer actively supporting this integration. If you have previously authenticated this data source, it will still appear in the list of your data sources. We will not be improving this integration further.


Below is a complete list of the endpoints you can pull from 10k', as well as a description of the data returned.

Users: All 10k’ users, including first and last name, email, created date, termination date, user type ID, phone, role, login type, etc.

Projects: All project and assignments data, including created date, deleted date, description, end date (due date), ID, name, parent ID and phase name (if a sub-project), project state, start date, scheduled hours, confirmed hours, phase count, confirmed dollars, etc.

Projects: Tags: All project tags, including tag ID, project ID, and value (tag name).

Projects Budget Items: All dollar amounts assigned to projects and project phases, including ID, amount, assignable id (project id), category, item type, etc. Additional fields can be added to this report.

Time Entries: All collections of hours tracked within the selected date range, including entry ID, user ID, assignable ID (the project or sub-project ID), date, number of hours, scheduled hours, task, bill rate, created date, etc.

Assignments by Project: All assignments connecting users to one, many, or all projects, including ID, allocation mode (fixed/percent), hours per day, fixed hours, user ID, assignable ID (project ID), start date, end date, bill rate, status, etc.

Assignments by User: All assignments designated to one, many, or all 10k’ users, including ID, allocation mode (fixed/percent), hours per day, fixed hours, user ID, assignable ID (project ID), start date, end date, bill rate, status, etc.

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