
Zapier integration with Grow is a powerful tool that allows you to access data from a variety of apps. You can set up automated tasks to append data to a dataset you create in Grow. You can then work with that dataset in Grow to visualize, analyze, join your data, and much more.

We are no longer actively supporting this direct integration. If you have previously authenticated this data source, it will still appear in the list of your data sources. We will not be improving this integration further. You will still be able to use Zapier to move data from a specific data source to a spreadsheet and then connecting that service to Grow.

To get your data into Grow, you need to push your data from your data source to a spreadsheet (in something like Google Sheets or Dropbox), then connect that spreadsheet to Grow. This lets you add or edit any data to the spreadsheet if needed, but it takes a couple extra steps to set up:
Data Source > Zapier > Spreadsheet > Grow.

If you'd like to connect an automated export from your data source to Grow, check out this article.

FAQs + Tips & Tricks

Automate a CSV export to use in Grow

Depending on where your data is coming from, you can also automate CSV exports through email via Zapier into another data source that Grow integrates with, like Google Sheets or Dropbox.

Do you need a paid plan with Zapier?

If you need more than two steps in a Zap, more than 5 Zaps, or more than 100 actions (or steps) taken each month, you need to be on a paid Zapier plan.

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