
Copper is a powerful, intuitive CRM that integrates seamlessly with all your Google apps, eliminating painful data entry and automating your most time-consuming tasks. This article will give you an overview of the Copper/Grow integration.

Connecting to Copper

  1. Click on the Data tab at the top left of the global navigation. You will be brought to your Data Connections.
  2. Click on the blue Connect button and search for Copper.
  3. Click on the Copper logo.
  4. On the pop-up window, you will need to enter your email address used in Copper and an API Key:
    • To get your API key, login to Copper and select Settings.
    • From here, select API Keys and then click on Generate API Key.
    • Paste this new key in Grow.


Below is a list of the endpoints that the Copper/Grow integration offers, along with a short description of each.

  • Activity Types: A list of activity classifications that occur in Copper, including type ID, category, name, is disabled, and count as interaction.
  • Activities: All activities filtered by date range and parent resource, including activity ID, parent type, type category, user ID, details, activity date, created date, modified date, etc.
  • Contact Types: A list of contact classifications that occur in Copper, including contact ID and name.
  • Companies: All companies matching the selected interaction, created, or modified date, including company ID, name, contact and location info, assignee, contact type, details, socials, tags, lead source, etc.
  • Custom Field Definitions: A list of customized resource fields created by the Copper admin, including ID, name, data type, available on, options names and IDs, options ranks, and available on.
  • Customer Sources: A list of the places where leads and opportunities originate, including source ID and name.
  • Leads: All leads matching the selected interaction, created, or modified date, including lead ID, name, address, assignee, company name, lead source, details, monetary value, status, tags, title, contact info, additional custom field data, etc.
  • Loss Reasons: A list of possible loss reasons, including ID and name.
  • Opportunities: All potential business deals matching the selected interaction, created, or modified date, including opportunity ID, name, assignee, close date, company, source ID, details, loss reason, pipeline data, priority, status, tags, monetary value, date last contacted, lead channel, win probability, additional custom field data, etc.
  • People: A list of contacts matching the selected interaction, created, or modified date, including ID, name, address, assignee, company, contact type ID, details, email, phone, socials URLs and categories, tags, websites, lead source, etc.
  • Pipelines: A list of available pipelines, including pipeline ID, name, stage IDs, stage names, stage win probabilities, etc.
  • Pipeline Stages: A list of possible stages within pipelines, including stage ID, name, pipeline ID, and win probability.
  • Users: A list of users, including user ID, name, and email.

FAQs + Tips & Tricks

Copper requires Full Admin access to pull from the API

Copper has controls about who can view what information. Since the API could potentially 'see' all the information, Copper requires that a user have Full Admin permissions in order to use the API.

Since Grow uses the API to display your data, the user that you use to sign into Copper from Grow needs to have Full Admin access.

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