Mindbody helps you manage online booking, staff resources, marketing, and more. The Mindbody/Grow integration enables you to view all of your Mindbody data in the same place and more effectively make decisions for your business.
We are no longer actively supporting this integration. If you have previously authenticated this data source, it will still appear in the list of your data sources. We will not be improving this integration further.
Connecting to Mindbody
Before starting, please collect your Mindbody Site Name and Site ID.
- First, log in to your Grow account and press Add Metric. Select Mindbody from the list of data sources. You'll need to authenticate your account before you can build metrics.
- On the page that pops up for you to connect/add a new auth, you will need to have your Site Name and Site ID (also called Studio ID) in order to connect. If you need to add multiple sites, click the blue Add Site button.
- Once you have added all the sites, press the blue Submit button.
- The next part can be a little tricky. Mindbody requires you to activate each site you add. If you skip this step, you will likely get errors or incomplete data when you try to get your data.
- In order to activate your site(s), you can either copy and paste the Activation Code into each one of your sites in Mindbody, or you can click on the Activation Link Grow gives you.
Note: You must be logged in to the Mindbody owner account in order to successfully activate your site, either by the activation link or the code.
- In order to use the activation code, log in to the Mindbody owner account.
- Go ahead and press the blue Verify HealCode Connection button.
- This will bring up a section that asks for an activation code. Copy the activation code from Grow into this box, then press Submit. You should get a green message saying that it was successful.
- After you have activated your site, press the blue Complete button at the bottom of the page in Grow.
Here is a list of the reports that the Mindbody/Grow integration offers, along with the description of each.
- Accrual Sales: Sale information, including Client IDs, Email, First Name, Last Name, Sale and Sales Detail ID, Sale Date, Location ID, Product Description, Service Category ID, Product ID, Client Contract ID, Item Amount, Payment Method, Site Id, Site Name, among other details.
- Attendance: Attendance information, Client IDs, Name, Email, MobilePhone, Send Me Reminders, Send Me Promotions, Visit Ref Number, Appointment ID, Visit Date, Start and End Times, Description, Class and Class Schedule ID, Session Type ID, Course ID, Location ID, Staff ID, Staff Names, Status, Service Category ID, First Class Date, First Appointment Date, Product ID, Pricing Option Desc, Site Id, and Site Name, among other details.
- Classes: List of all classes scheduled including class name, start and end time, program names, location details, cancellations, staff information, etc.
- Sales: List of all sales transactions, including date, payment type, method and sales amount.
- Class Visit Summary: List of all class visits, including class name, location, staff information, class time etc.
- Class Visits Details: List of all class visits, including class details as well as client name and information.
- Class Descriptions: List of all classes including class id, name, description, program name, default time length, etc.
- Sites: List of all class sites and related information.
- Locations: List of all locations, site id, square footage, rooms, address etc.
- Packages: List of all offered packages including name, discount rate, service price, etc.
- Products: List of all products offered, including name, description, price, tax rate, etc.
FAQs + Tips and Tricks
Carefully follow the instructions to connect
One of the key steps that some customers miss is activating the Mindbody sites. If you do not activate your sites before completing the setup, you will run into errors or incomplete data.
Reports with lots of detailed information can be slow.
The API can sometimes be a little slow when providing an endpoint with lots of detailed data. The endpoint we see this the most with is Class Visits. Additionally, Visits reports only come back with data from 30 days back or month to date.
You may need to do timezone offsets.
Your data is likely to come back in UTC time. This means that you will need to do some conversions to show your data in your local time.
Mindbody's API only provides accumulated sales.
One of the most frequent requests we get is to pull back sales by category or location. However, we can only get accumulated sales back.
Grow and Mindbody are partners.
We are working with Mindbody to make improvements to the data available from their API. We can make requests to them to get more data, but be aware that even as we make requests, it is a long process.