Zoho's lead engagement and sales pipeline manager makes it easy to manage your customer relationships at every stage via phone, email, chat, social media, or even in person. The Grow/Zoho integration allows you to track your CRM data in real time and get day-to-day insights on the performance of your pipeline.
We are no longer actively supporting this integration. If you have previously authenticated this data source, it will still appear in the list of your data sources. We will not be improving this integration further.
Connecting to ZohoCRM
Before you get started you will need a Zoho auth token.
Connecting without 2 Factor Auth
- Click on the Data tab at the top left of the global navigation. Then click on Connections in the Data Library section.
- Click on the blue Connect button and search for Zoho CRM.
- Click on the Zoho CRM logo.
- Make sure that you have permission to access the API service. If you don't have permission, talk with your administrator.
- To generate your auth token, first log in to Zoho CRM. You can generate an auth token by going to this link. You must be logged in first.
- This will pull up a window where you can see the new auth token you've created. Be sure to record your auth token somewhere.
- In order to access your active auth tokens, go to your Settings and click on Active Authtokens. You'll be shown a list of the tokens, along with the IP address they were created at and the last time it was accessed.
- Now that you have the auth token, go ahead and paste it into Grow.
Connecting with 2 Factor Auth
- Log into your Zoho CRM account. After you have logged in, open https://accounts.zoho.eu.
- In the Zoho Accounts Home page, click Two-Factor Authentication. On the Two Factor Authentication page, click on Manage Application Specific Passwords.
- In the Application-Specific Passwords pop-up, do the following:
- Enter the Device or App Name. For this step, you will enter Grow. This helps you identify what app it is for.
- Enter your current Zoho CRM password.
- Once you have entered those, click Generate. You will receive a new, application-specific password with spaces.
- Next, you will need to take the link below and fill the parts in brackets with the following information:Copy
Once you have done that, you can use this link to generate an auth token.
- In Username/EmailID, you will enter your Zoho CRM username or email ID.
- For Password, you will first need to remove the spaces from the application-specific password that you just generated. It will not work if you do not remove the spaces.
- In ApplicationName, enter the name of the application it is for (Grow).
- Log in to Zoho CRM.
- Click on the settings icon.
- From this menu, go to Setup, then click on Developer Space. From here, go to APIs and select CRM API.
- On this page, go up to the settings icon and choose Authentication Token Generation.
- In the window that pulls up, you'll paste the URL from the last step, with the username/email ID, password (without spaces) and application name filled in.
- In the Application Name field, enter application name (Grow) for which you are generating the auth token.
Once you've done that, press the green Generate button. Copy the token that comes up.
You will not be able to see your token again in your account after this. Be sure to record your auth token somewhere in case you need it again.
- In Grow, go ahead and sign in to your account. Press Add Metric, select Zoho CRM from the list of data sources, then press Connect.
- Go ahead and paste your auth token into Grow, then press Submit.
Below is a complete list of the reports you can pull from the Zoho CRM, as well as a description of the available data within each report. Zoho CRM reports will also include custom data fields not included in the list below. These fields are created by your Zoho CRM admin when customizing the Zoho interface to suit your organization's specific needs.
- Leads: All leads, including lead ID, owner name, lead name, designation, contact info, created date, modified date, last activity date, additional custom fields, etc.
- Accounts: All client and potential accounts, including account ID, lead and account owner, account name, industry, created date, modified date, last activity date, billing information, etc.
- Contacts: All contacts, including contact ID, contact owner, name, account ID and name, email, job title, phone, created date, modified date, mailing address, type of contact, currency, exchange rate, last activity date, lead source, etc.
- Potentials: All opportunities, including ID, owner, potential amount, name, closing date, account ID and name, stage, probability, modified date, last activity date, custom fields, etc.
- Campaigns: All campaigns, including campaign ID, SM owner ID, campaign owner, type, campaign name, status, created date, modified date, etc.
- Tasks: All task assignments, including activity ID, task owner, subject, due date, related to, status, priority, created by, modified by, created date, modified date, etc.
- Calls: All logged calls, including activity ID, call owner, subject, type, contact ID and name, related to, start time, duration, billable, created by, modified by, created date, modified date, status, etc.
- Products: All products, including product ID, owner, name, code, active, category, type, created by, created date, modified date, price, description, invoice type, volume, option, plan, etc.
- Invoices: All invoice data, including invoice ID, sales order data, account ID and name, invoice owner, created by, created date, modified date, subtotal, tax, adjustment, total, details, contact ID and name, discount, etc.
- Vendors: All vendors, including vendor ID, name, website, category, owner, created by, created date, modified date, custom fields, etc.
- Price Books: All pricing data, including price book ID, owner, creator, created date, modified date, price, name, active, pricing model, pricing details, etc.
- Quotes: All estimates for services provided, including quote ID, number, subject, stage, carrier, account ID and name, owner, creator, created date, modified date, subtotal, total, billing address, discount, etc.
- Sales Orders: All sales order data, including sales order ID, number, subject, quote ID and name, contact info, carrier, account info, owner, creator, created date, modified date, subtotal, total, billing address, shipping address, discount, etc.
- Cases: All cases, including case ID, owner, status, origin, subject, related to, number of comments, reported by, email, phone, creator, modified date, description, department, company name, job title, etc.
- Solutions: Includes solution ID, solution number, owner, title, status, comments, creator, last modifier, modified date, question, answer, etc.
FAQS + Trip and Tricks
Zoho Date Ranges
All Zoho CRM reports must be pulled for a specific date range, by using the date picker drop-down menu or entering a custom date range. The Grow datepicker filters data based on the "last modified" or "created date" fields.
Oops! Error showing up when trying to Auth in Grow.
If you are getting this error, you can follow the following steps to correct it.
First, log in to your Zoho CRM account. Go to your settings and find the Setup section.
Under Customization, go to Modules and Fields.
On this page, go ahead and click on the Organize Modules button in the upper right-hand corner.
In the window that pulls up, you will see two columns: Unselected Tabs and Selected Tabs. Be sure that the tab Accounts is in the Selected Tabs list.
If it is not, find it in the Unselected Tabs list. Select it, then press the blue arrow pointing to the right to add it to the Selected Tabs list.
Go ahead and press Save when you are done.