Metrics with Dynamic Views enabled are automatically filtered down on the dashboard based on who is logged in. For example, when Erin logs into Grow and views her Sales Performance dashboard, the metrics on the dashboard only display her sales data. The metrics are filtered down according to the Variables and Values setup for her user.
Viewing As Dropdown
If at least one Dynamic Metric is saved to a dashboard, a viewing as dropdown will show for any users that have Manage or Format Dashboard Access. The viewing as dropdown allows you to see each user view of the dashboard. When selecting a user, you are viewing what they see on the dashboard when they log into Grow.
The viewing as dropdown also contains an unfiltered option which temporarily removes the Dynamic View Filter from the metrics and displays the unfiltered data.
This list of users in the viewing as dropdown is based on who has a Value assigned to the Variables being used on the Dashboard. If a user has a Value assigned for a Variable and that Variable is referenced in at least one metric on the Dashboard, the user's name will show in the viewing as dropdown.
Please note the user's name will still show in the viewing as dropdown even if the user does not have access to the dashboard.
Upon selecting a user view, the metric tile will display a Filter statement indicating how the metric is being filtering. For example, if we select view of Kevin Malones, we see that the first metric is filtering on his salesforce id (0011N00001LJDGaQAP), and the second metric is filtering for the team he is associated with (Enterprise).
Please note the Filter statements on the Metric Tile only show if you have Manage or Format Dashboard Access. If Kevin has View Only access to the dashboard, when he logs in, the Filter statements do not show on the metric tile.
Dashboard Filtering
Dashboard Filters (Custom, Date Range, and Date Grouping) can be still be applied to Dashboards that have Dynamic Views setup. For example, I could create a Lead Source dashboard filter that my reps can apply when they view their dashboard.
Please note the Column to Filter by that a metric Dynamic View is referencing is not available as a Column to Filter by selection in Dashboard Filtering. You cannot set up a Dashboard Filter on the same column because this would allow a user to filter outside their MetricView subset of data which could potentially expose data they are not supposed to have access to.
Similarly, the values listed in the "is one of" and "is not one of" picklist are the possible values from the subset of data that the user has access to according to their view. For example, if Kevin is never assigned Paid leads, "Paid Traffic" would not show as a value when he uses the "Lead Source" dashboard filter. This constraint is again to ensure that users cannot filter outside their View's subset of data which could potentially expose data they are not supposed to have access to.
Expanded View
A user can view and apply filters on a Dynamic View of a metric in Expanded View. Both the Chart tab and Raw Data tab display only the filtered data for a user view of a metric. For example, when Kevin views one of his metrics in Expanded View, the Chart tab displays his view of the metric (just like he saw on the dashboard) and the Raw Data tab filters down the transactional data to just his subset of data.
If a user exports from Expanded View (Export Table Data or Export Chart Data), the generated export only contains the user subset of data that they have access to in their metric view.
Please note that Metric History is only available for the unfiltered view of a metric.
If a user has Manage or Format Dashboard Access, they have the option to toggle between views of the metric using the "User Filter" dropdown in the Explore panel of Expanded View. The Raw Data and Chart view will display data for the selected View. Any exports generated from Expanded View will also respect the View selected.
Error Messaging
A user's Dynamic View of a metric could break for any of the following reasons:
- The Variable a Dynamic View was referencing was deleted.
- The Column to Filter by a Dynamic View was referencing can no longer be found.
- A user no longer has a Value for the Variable being used in the Filter statement. The Value a user was assigned to was deleted (and the user was not assigned a new Value).
In each of these scenarios, Grow is careful to not overexpose data to users on the dashboard. For users with View Only access to the dashboard, whenever a View for a metric is broken, we display "No metric view" for these users.
If a user has Format or Manage Dashboard Access, Grow surfaces error messaging on the metric tile to help the user fix the Dynamic Views for the Metric.
The Variable a Dynamic View was referencing can no longer be found.
This is likely to happen when a Variable is deleted.
If a user has Format or Manage Dashboard access, they see the metric in an error state with following messaging:
The Column to Filter by a Dynamic View was referencing can no longer be found.
This is likely to happen if the Column to Filter by was renamed or dropped from the data table.
If a user has Format or Manage Dashboard access, they see the metric in an error state with following messaging:
A user no longer has a Value for the Variable being used in the Filter statement
This is likely to happen when a Value is deleted or a user is removed from a Value and not assigned a new Value for the given Variable.
If a user has Format or Manage Dashboard access, the metric tile displays messaging indicating the user they selected in the "viewing as" dropdown does not have a Value for the Variable being used to Filter the metric: