The Filter Chart Transform allows you to apply a custom filter to your Chart and Key Values in Data Explorer. For example, I could Filter my Sales metric to only show Sales where Lead Source is equal to Social Traffic.
The Filter in Data Explorer is run on the transactional table of charted data. When a Filter is applied, the chart updates to show aggregated values for the rows of data that meet your Filter criteria.
Using the Filter Chart Transform
To add a Filter in Data Explorer, open the Filter Chart Transform and press +Add a filter. A popover will open where you select the Column, Operator, and define the Value (often known as the criteria).
The Column field is where you choose what column you would like to filter on. You use the Operator and Value fields to specify the information that you do or do not want to see.
You may Filter on any Column in your Charted Report. Operators are dependent on the data type of the column to filter by. For example, you cannot select "greater than" when filtering on a text column.
Filter Logic
In Data Explorer, you can apply multiple Filters to your Chart. These Filter statements are combined using AND logic.
Additionally, please note that the query is not case sensitive.
Date Filtering
In addition to the Date Range Chart Transform, Grow also allows you to define a custom Filter on a date column in your Charted Report.
For instance, I could set the Date Range of my chart to filter on Close Date, and the custom Filter to reference the Created Date column. In the example below, we are charting Sales closed This Month (Date Range) but only for deals that were created in 2021 (Custom Filter).
Unlike the Filter Transform on the Data Tab, there is no option to Treat as Date when you select a date column to filter by. Instead, Grow shows all available operators to use in the filter statement:
- Is one of
- Is not one of
- Equals
- Does not equal
- Contains
- Does not contain
- Less than
- Less than or equal to
- Greater than
- Greater than or equal to
- Is blank
- Is not blank
If you select any of the greater than or less than operators, you can enter a date string in the value input (i.e. 04-15-2021) and Grow will recognize the date and filter accordingly.
If your Custom Filter references the same column as your Date Range, the Date Range Filter is always run first. This means the Custom Filter is run on the subset of data created by the Date Range.
Text Filtering
Filter on a Text column using the Filter Chart Transform in Data Explorer. For example, if I wanted to see a specific Sales Rep's sales, I could Filter where Sales Rep contains Erin:
When the Column to Filter by is a text column, the following operators are available:
- Is one of
- Is not one of
- Equals
- Does not equal
- Contains
- Does not contain
- Is blank
- Is not blank
Numeric Filtering
Filter on a Numeric column using the Filter Chart Transform in Data Explorer. For example, if I wanted to see the count of deals over a certain deal size, I could Filter where Deal Amount is greater than 1000:
When your Column to Filter by is a numeric column, the following operators are available:
- Is one of
- Is not one of
- Equals
- Does not equal
- Contains
- Does not contain
- Less than
- Less than or equal to
- Greater than
- Greater than or equal to
- Is blank
- Is not blank
Remove Filter
You can remove a Filter by clicking the red X next to the Filter statement in the Chart Transform. When you remove a Filter, the Chart will automatically update.
Error States
When a Filter can no longer reference the Column to Filter by selection, the Filter becomes invalid and is no longer applied to the Chart. Data Explorer surfaces the invalid filter with the following error (you can see the tooltip on hover):
Please note if the Column to Filter by can be referenced again, the error state will be removed and the Filter will become valid.
A Filter can also break if the data type of the Column to Filter by changes and the operator is not compatible with the new data type. For example, if I am using a greater than operator on a numeric column, and the data type changes to a text column, greater than is not a valid operator anymore. This will break the filter and the Chart.
Please note if the data type of the Column to Filter by changes back to a compatible data type for the operator, the Filter will become valid again.
Metric Level Filter Interactions with Filtering in Expanded View
When you apply a Filter in Data Explorer, you will notice the Data Table does not update to only show rows of data that meet your Filter criteria. This is because all of the Data in the Charted Report is available for filtering in Expanded View. This is what makes Data Explorer so powerful, you can create a metric and define filters, but override those filters on the Dashboard to perform an ad hoc analysis.
For any metric that has a Filter defined in Data Explorer, the Filter will also show in Expanded View:
The Filter is also editable in Expanded View, for example, I could change the criteria to also include Paid Traffic:
Please note when Expanded View is closed, the Filter statement will revert to only include criteria set in the builder. You can also revert the Filter statement in Expanded View manually by clicking �Cancel� in the popover.
Metric Level Filter Interactions with Dashboard Filtering
Like Expanded View, all of the Data in the Charted Report of a Metric is available for Dashboard Filtering. This means if I create a Dashboard Filter on the same column to filter by as my metric filter, the Dashboard Filter will override the Metric Filter when applied.
For example, this Metric is Filtering to only show data where Lead Source equals Organic Traffic:
Please note when the Dashboard Filter is removed, the Filter on the Metric Level will be re-applied.
What is the difference between the Filter Transform on the Data Tab versus the Filter Chart Transform in Data Explorer?
Transforms on the Data Tab are meant to be used for cleaning, prepping, and defining the data you want to Chart. Chart Level Transforms, like Filter, allow you to explore your data as you build your Chart.
If you do not want specific data to be accessible on the Dashboard, we recommend that you use the Filter Transform on the Data Tab. For example, if I have Sales Data and I filter it down for a specific Rep, if I do not want that rep to be able to see other Rep's data on the Dashboard, we recommend that you apply the Filter statement on the Data Tab versus the Chart Tab.