Selecting data series appropriately is one of the key tasks to make the data presented in dashboard more perceptive, and easy-to-understand.
You can tweak the Grouping section to manipulate the x-axis, and the Data Series section to set up the y-axis.
You can change the formatting like colors and labels, etc. to highlight significant values. To format your charts, refer to Formatting Charts.
You can also set multiple axes for your charts and sync the data series (y-axes) accordingly. To know more about setting data series axes, go to Making 2-Value Axes Charts article.
Selecting Your Data in the New Metric Builder
From the chart tab of the Metric Builder, click on the Add Value button. You can either pick a column from the dropdown list or click on the column itself to select that data for your chart.
If you have a date column in your data, then Grow will automatically pick the first one for your chart grouping. You can change which column is being used (even with a non-date column). If there is no date column, click the Add Date or Category button and select the column you want to use for the grouping.
Selecting Your Data in the Basic Builder
To select a data series, you'll need to be in the chart tab of the Metric builder. This is after you have pulled in a report and verified that it is the data you want.
Expand the Data Series heading in the left-hand panel of the Edit Metric view. Go ahead and click the blue Add Value button.
You can then use the mouse selector to choose your data series. You can either click on a column or row header to select that entire area, or you can click and drag to select the respective cells in the spreadsheet.

Your data series will appear in the metric view area above your data.
Grow will only display 365 data points in a chart, so you cannot display over a year's worth of daily data. This limit is in place to help keep your charts easy to read and quick to load.
Setting Y-Axes at Zero
To set the y-xiz to always start at 0, go to Settings, then select Display. The Options pop-up appears, select the check box for Sync y-axis at 0.
Based on the data range used for charting, as well as whether multiple axes are used to represent the data, there are several possibilities for display.
Following image shows the cases when the Sync Y-axis at 0 is selected:
If "Sync y-axis at 0" Selected
In this case, we force the display to always be at the zero axis.
For Single Axis Display:
- If the data is all positive or all negative values: Here, we force the min or max respectively to be zero. So, the display is always zero to N.
- If the data is a mix of positive/negative values: Here, we will have a zero due to the nature of the data. So, minimum or maximum is nit enforced in this case.
For Multiple Axes:
The two rules for the single axis still holds here. But, we consider values in both axes, to see whether the data is all positive/negative, or if it is mixed.
Also, the data is scaled so that the values line up.
If "Sync y-axis at 0" Unselected
In this scenario, we no longer force the axis to be at zero, but rather allow it to float. This is applicable for both single or multiple axes.
For Single Axis Display:
If all data is all positive: We set the minimum to the lowest value in the set of data. The maximum is calculated by HC.
If all data is all negative: We set the maximum to the highest value, and the minimum is auto-calculated.
For Multiple Axes Display:
The rules are same as they are for single axis. But now, the axes are NOT linked.
This means that the axes will be scaled for their use cases. Here, one or both axes might have a zero, or they might not. Even if both have zeroes, they values might not line up.