Creating Image Charts

If you would like to display an image on your dashboard, The best way you can do this is using an Image Tile. Check out this article to see how to add one to your dashboard.

You can also use an Image Chart if you have direct URL to that image hosted in one of your data sources. For example, you could dynamically display the top Instagram post or Facebook Ad on a dashboard. You can enter in the URL manually or select it from a report from any data source, including a spreadsheet.

How to Build

  • Click on Add New at the top right of the dashboard.
    • If the URL for the image you want to use is in a spreadsheet or a report from a data source, select that data source, or connect a new one.
    • If you want to manually enter the image URL you can select any data source and move to the Chart tab at the top center.
  • Change the chart type at the top left from Column to "Image.
  • In the Image URL section at the top left click on "Select a range" to manually enter, or paste the image URL, or select the cell with the URL you want to use.
  • Give it a title and save it to a dashboard.


Get a Direct URL for Images

If you do not have the image hosted online anywhere, here are some options for uploading the image online for free.

Make sure to use the full URL of the image, not a short link. For example, if you want to use an image from a service like Giphy you have the option to use a direct URL or a shortened URL, and the short URL won't work in the image chart.

Image hosting services have widely varying terms of service, types of content, and private/public policies. Make sure you are aware of what images your image could be shown with, how they can and will use your image etc. When in doubt, don't upload sensitive images.


Using Images in a Table Chart

If you have image URLs in your data, you can also display them in a table chart. For example, when displaying social media posts.

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