Dataset Permissions

Admins and the creator of a dataset can grant users different dataset permissions. This allows admins and creators to have more control over what users can and cannot do with specific data.

For example, say you are the admin in your Grow account and you have a Master Finance dataset. You would like your finance team to be able to use the dataset in their metrics, but not edit it, and you also want to make sure no one else in the company has access to the dataset. This is possible by giving each user on your finance team View access to the dataset and giving the rest of your company None access.

There are three dataset permission levels in Grow:

  • Manage: Allows the user to edit, copy, delete, share, verify, and create metrics from this dataset.
  • View: Allows the user to create metrics from this dataset. The user cannot edit the dataset or see how it was created.
  • None: Grants no access to the dataset. Users will not see the dataset in their Grow account if they are assigned None access.

Dataset Access and User Level Permissions

Not all User Level Permissions can access datasets and some have access to all datasets. Here's where you can know what their user could have access to or not.

View Only and Consumer

A user with View Only or Consumer user permissions can only be granted None access to datasets. Since they cannot create metrics View and Manage dataset access is not available to them.

Visualizer and Analyst

A user with Visualizer or Analyst user permissions in Grow can be granted None, View, or Manage access to datasets.

Architect and Admins

Users with Architect or Admin have access to manage all datasets via their assigned role. Individual dataset access cannot be assigned for Architects or Admins.

Assigning Dataset Access

Creating a New User

When you first create a new user you will see a section for Dataset Access. If the user is a Visualizer or Analyst you will be able to edit the permissions the user has for each dataset already in the account by clicking the Manage Dataset Access button.

If there are datasets that are set to a specific permission level for all users they will automatically appear in the list. When you click Manage Dataset Access you can give the user permissions for all datasets individually, or you can assign the same level of permissions for all datasets, present and future, by using the Access All dropdown.

Creating a New Dataset

When you first create a dataset you will be asked what level of access current users should have to this dataset as well as the permissions for all users added after the dataset is created. The Access All dropdown will give all users with appropriate user permission, present and future, the specified access to that dataset.

If a user has been given Manage All Datasets permissions and you make the dataset permission All Users can View that user will still be able to manage the dataset. However, if the user has been given general None permissions and you make the dataset permissions All Users can View that user will be given View permissions for that dataset unless you specify otherwise. This also means any new user you create will have View permissions for that dataset.

From the Dataset Details Page

If you realize a user doesn't have permissions to a specific who should, or does have permissions who shouldn't, you can always update the Dataset Access through the Dataset Details page.

From the Data Tab navigate to Datasets, open the specific Dataset you want to change the permissions for, press Share. This will open the same module that pops up when you create the dataset for the first time. You can adjust the permissions of each user accordingly for that specific dataset.

From the Users Details Page

If you realize a user doesn't have permissions to a group of datasets who should, or does have permissions who shouldn't, you can always update the Dataset Access through that specific User's Details page.

From the settings navigate to Users, open the specific User you want to change the permissions for, scroll to the section Dataset Access, and click Manage Dataset Access. This will open the same module that pops up when you create the user for the first time. You can adjust the permissions for each dataset accordingly for that specific user.

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