Epicor CPQ is a sales tool for companies to quickly and accurately generate quotes for orders.The EpicorCPQ/Grow integration takes you on a visual and interactive tour to fit your unique business needs.
Connecting EpicorCPQ
Before you get started, you need an Epicor CPQ instance information, this includes the instance name, user, and password.
- Log in to your Grow account.
- Navigate to Data tab > Connections.
- Select the blue +Connect button,
- Search and select Epicor CPQ.
A window pops up to log in with your EpicorCPQ credentials. After entering your credentials, a green confirmation message alerts you of a successful connection.
Data Warehousing
CP is on the Grow Data Warehouse, which we highly recommend you use. For more information about warehousing your data, visit the Data Warehouse Help Article.
Suggested Tables
The following suggested tables are available in Grow. These are toggled on by default when you sync your data for the first time.
- Products
- Quotes
- Quote Products
- Quote Product Configuration
- Quotes (Formatted)
- Users
Warehousing Your Data
In the Connections Overview Page, click on your EpicorCPQ connection.
This opens the Connection Details page. - Select the Manage Connection button inside the Connection Details section to open the warehouse table selection flow.
Select the data you want stored in the Data Warehouse and click the Sync & Store button at the bottom of the Manage Connection page.
This begins the initial population of your warehouse with the tables you defined. Populating your data warehouse for the first time may take a while, sometimes up to several hours.
You may continue working within the app while your data is In Queue or Processing.
If your data source is not already connected, refer to the Connecting to a Data Source for more details.
Sync Interval
Full Sync
Full Sync is enabled for EpicorCPQ warehouse.
To learn more about sync intervals and how to adjust the default settings, please visit the Sync section of the Data Warehouse help article.
API Documentation
Visit the developer API documentation for more information.
This is for reference only. You should not need to consult this to use the connection in Grow.