Release Notes - August 2024

Fix Versions Issue Type Key Components Release Notes
12.7.0 Task GROW-21423 Direct Query + Warehouse SharePoint: Improved error masking for folders containing unsupported characters like '/'.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21415 Warehouse Salesforce: Improved error masking when the user doesn't have access to the saved report that's been used.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21407 Warehouse Amazon Ads: Fixed an issue where Manage connection page is showing duplicate accounts for one instance.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21400 Direct Query + Warehouse Facebook Ads: updated API version to v20.0.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21392 Direct Query Google sheets: Implemented scope changes and Google file picker similar to Google drive.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21378 Warehouse Amazon Seller Central: Improved a UI where regions are filtered according to the auth created using specific region.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21371 Warehouse Custom Rest API: Improve pagination limit message.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21359 Warehouse Chargegee: Added field formatting.
12.7.0 Task GROW-21341 Direct Query Shopify: Updated to the latest API version.
12.7.0 Story GROW-21369 Warehouse Amazon Seller Central: Implemented multi region by adding Australia and UK for custom report tables.
12.7.0 Bug GROW-21413 Warehouse Amazon Seller Central: Implemented a fix where the auth was sometimes disconnecting.
12.7.0 Bug GROW-21408 Direct Query + Warehouse Snowflake: Fixed an issue with creating connection when the instance have access to only views.
12.7.0 Bug GROW-21393 Warehouse Zendesk: Fixed a pagination issue for 'Ticket Metric Events' warehouse table.
12.7.0 Bug GROW-21365 Warehouse Zendesk: Fixed an issue with Tickets Warehouse table to show Custom fields.
12.7.0 Bug GROW-21363 Warehouse Snowflake: Fixed an issue where the UI is not showing the updated row count at warehouse preview when the data was deleted or modified.
12.7.0 Bug GROW-21246 Alerts Fixed a visual glitch of Alerts configuration within a Joined Report Dataset.
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