
Salesforce offers social and mobile cloud technologies that help companies connect with customers, partners, and employees. This integration enables you to get a total view of your sales funnel and your entire business while displaying current data for all of your customers. This article will give you an overview of the Salesforce/Grow integration and what you can expect.

In this article, we will cover:

Connecting to Salesforce

  1. Click on the Data tab at the top left of the global navigation. You will be brought to your Data Connections.
  2. Click on the blue Connect button and search for Salesforce.
  3. Click on the Salesforce logo.
  4. A window will pop up to log in with your Salesforce credentials. After entering your credentials you will see a green confirmation message that the connection has been made.

Data Warehousing

Salesforce is on the Grow Data Warehouse, which we highly recommend you use. For more information about warehousing your data, visit the Data Warehouse Help Article.

Suggested Tables

These six Salesforce API standard objects are available in Grow:

  1. Accounts
  2. Contacts
  3. Events
  4. Leads
  5. Opportunities
  6. Tasks


Other Tables

You can access other standard objects and custom objects in the "Other Tables" section. There are 300+ other Salesforce objects; you can search through the list by scrolling (or by keyword for faster search) and select the objects that are most relevant.

Custom Tables

Additionally, you can pull in data using SOQL by using the Custom Tables section. For detailed instructions for writing your own SOQL queries, refer to the section further down in this article called How do I Write a Custom SOQL Query?

Warehousing your Data

  1. Starting with the Connections overview page, navigate to your Salesforce connection and click on it to open the Connection Details page.
  2. Select the Manage Connection button inside the Connection Details section to open the warehouse table selection flow.
  3. If your data source isn't already connected, refer to the Connecting to Data Sources for more details. If your data source is already connected, you can immediately select which tables of data you want to warehouse.
  4. Once you have finished selecting the data that you want stored in the Data Warehouse, click the Sync & Store button at the bottom of the Manage Connection page. This will begin the initial population of your warehouse with the tables you defined. Populating your data warehouse for the first time may take a while, even up to several hours.
  5. While your data is "In Queue" or "Processing", you may continue working within the app.

Sync Interval

Full Sync

The default sync interval is 12 hours per table for the following tables:

  • Opportunities
  • All "Other" Tables
  • All "Custom" Tables

Incremental Sync

When incremental sync is available, the default incremental sync interval is 1 hour, while the default full sync interval is 1 week.

Incremental sync is enabled for the following tables:

  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Events
  • Leads
  • Tasks

To learn more about sync intervals and how to adjust the default settings, please visit the Sync settings of the Data Warehouse help article.

Direct Query

A direct query connection can be used to pull data into Grow. With abnormal usage, Direct Query can run into API limitations depending on the data source. For this reason, we recommend that you use Grow's Data Warehouse for a more performant, reliable experience.


Grow's Salesforce integration is extremely robust. You have three options for pulling data into Grow: Reports, Saved Reports, or Write SOQL. Each one of these then further provides a myriad of possibilities to pull data in.

Reports will bring in the most unfiltered data from Salesforce. In addition to standard Salesforce reports, Grow can pull in any other tables your account is connected to in Salesforce, making the integration very dynamic.

The following list shows the standard reports in Salesforce, along with some of the standard fields each report provides. The Salesforce/Grow integration also offers other sub-types of these reports as well as any other custom reports or fields you have set up in your Salesforce account:

REPORT: Activities

  • Task Fields: Assigned To, Call Duration, Call Object Identifier, Call Result, Call Type, Comments, Created By, Create Recurring Series of Tasks, Due Date, Email, Last Modified By, Name, Phone, Priority, Recurrence Interval, Related To, Repeat This Task, Status, Subject, Task Subtype, Type
  • Events Fields: All-Day Event, Assigned To, Created By, Date, Description, Duration, Email, End, Event Subtype, Last Modified By, Location, Name, Phone, Private, Related To, Show Time As, Start, Subject, Time, Type

REPORT: Campaigns

  • Fields: Active, Actual Cost in Campaign, Actual Cost in Hierarchy, Budgeted Cost in Campaign, Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy, Campaign Member Type, Campaign Name, Campaign Owner, Contacts in Campaign, Contacts in Hierarchy, Converted Leads in Campaign, Converted Leads in Hierarchy, Created By, Description, End Date, Expected Response (%), Expected Revenue in Campaign, Expected Revenue in Hierarchy, Last Modified By, Leads in Campaign, Leads in Hierarchy, Num Sent in Campaign, Num Sent in Hierarchy, Opportunities in Campaign, Opportunities in Hierarchy, Parent Campaign, Responses in Campaign, Responses in Hierarchy, Start Date, Status, Type, Value, Opportunities in Campaign, Value Opportunities in Hierarchy, Value Won Opportunities in Campaign, Value Won Opportunities in Hierarchy, Won Opportunities in Campaign, Won Opportunities in Hierarchy


  • Fields: Address, Annual Revenue, Campaign, Company, Created By, Key, Description, Do Not Call, Email, Email Opt Out, Fax, Fax Opt Out, Industry, Last, Modified By, Last Transfer Date, Lead Owner, Lead Source, Lead Status, Mobile, Name, Salutation, First Name, Last Name, No. of Employees, Phone, Rating, Title, Website

REPORT: Accounts

  • Fields: Account Name, Account Number, Account Owner, Account Site, Account Source, Annual Revenue, Billing Address, Created By, Key, Description, Employees, Fax, Industry, Last Modified By, Ownership, Parent Account, Phone, Rating, Shipping Address, SIC Code, SIC Description, Ticker Symbol, Type, Website

REPORT: Contacts

  • Fields: Account Name, Assistant, Asst. Phone, Birthdate, Contact Owner, Created By, Key, Department, Description, Do Not Call, Email, Email Opt Out, Fax, Fax Opt Out, Home Phone, Last Modified By, Last Stay-in-Touch Request Date, Last Stay-in-Touch Save Date, Lead Source, Mailing Address, Mobile, Name, Salutation, First Name, Last Name, Other Address, Other Phone, Phone, Reports To, Title

REPORT: Opportunities

  • Fields: Account Name, Amount, Close Date, Contract, Created By, Description, Expected Revenue, Forecast Category, Last Modified By, Lead Source, Next Step, Opportunity Name, Opportunity Owner, Price Book, Primary Campaign Source, Private, Probability (%), Quantity, Stage, Synced Quote, Type

REPORT: Opportunity Product

  • Fields: Created By, Date, Discount, Last Modified By, Line Description, List Price, Opportunity, Product, Product Code, Quantity, Sales Price, Subtotal, Total Price

REPORT: Quotes

  • Fields: Account Name, Additional To, Additional To Name, Bill To, Bill To Name, Contact Name, Contract, Created By, Description, Discount, Email, Expiration Date, Fax, Grand Total, Last Modified By, Line Items, Opportunity Name, Phone, Quote Name, Quote Number, Quote To, Quote To Name, Shipping and Handling, Ship To, Ship To Name, Status, Subtotal, Syncing, Tax, Total Price

REPORT: Quote Line Items

  • Fields: Created By, Date, Discount, Last Modified By, Line Item Description, Line Item Number, List Price, Product, Product Code, Quantity, Quote Name, Sales Price, Subtotal, Total Price

REPORT: Social Persona

  • Fields: Are we following, Bio, Blacklisted, Created By, Followers, Following, Is following us, Klout Rating, Last Modified By, Listed Count, Number Of Friends, Number Of Tweets, Parent, Profile Type, Profile URL, Provider External Picture URL, Radian6 Media Provider, Radian6 Media Type, Radian6 Source Id, Radian6 User Id, Real Name, Social Handle, Social Network, Social Persona Provider External Id, Source App, Topic Type

REPORT: Social Posts

  • Fields: Analyzer Score, Assigned To, Attachment Type, Attachment URL, Classification, Comment Count, Content, Content Clipping, Created By, Deleted By, Engagement Level, External Post Id, Harvest Date, Headline, Inbound Link Count, In Reply To, Is Outbound, Keyword Group Name, Language, Last Modified By, Liked By, Likes and Votes, Managed Social Account, Message Type, Name, Owner, Parent, Posted Date, Post Priority, Post Tags, Post URL, Radian6 Media Provider, Radian6 Media Type, Radian6 Post Id, Radian6 Source Id, Radian6 Topic Id, Recipient, Recipient Type, Response Context, Reviewed Status, Review Scale, Review Score, Sentiment, Shares, Social Handle, Social Network, Social Persona, Source Tags, Spam Rating, Status, Status Message, Thread Size, Topic Profile Name, Topic Type, Unique Commentors, View Count, Who


  • Fields: Account Name, Asset, Business Hours, Case Number, Case Origin, Case Owner, Case Reason, Case Source, Closed When Created, Contact Email, Contact Fax, Contact Mobile, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Created By, Date/Time Closed, Date/Time Opened, Description, Escalated, Internal Comments, Last Modified By, Parent, Case, Priority, Status, Subject, Type, Web Company, Web Email, Web Name, Web Phone

REPORT: Contracts

  • Fields: Account Name, Activated By, Activated Date, Billing Address, Company Signed By, Company Signed Date, Contract End Date, Contract Name, Contract Number, Contract Owner, Contract Start Date, Contract Term (months), Created By, Customer Signed By, Customer Signed Date, Customer Signed Title, Description, Last Modified By, Owner Expiration Notice, Price Book, Shipping Address, Special Terms, Status

REPORT: Orders

  • Fields: Account Name, Account Number, Activated By, Activated Date, Billing Address, Bill To Contact, Company Authorized By, Company Authorized Date, Contract End Date, Contract Name, Contract Number, Created By, Customer Authorized By, Customer Authorized Date, Description, Last Modified By, Opportunity, Order Amount, Order End Date, Order Name, Order Number, Order Owner, Order Reference Number, Order Start Date, Order Type, Original Order, PO Date, PO Number, Quote, Reduction Order, Shipping Address, Ship To Contact, Status

REPORT: Solutions

  • Fields: Created By, Last Modified By, Public, Solution Details, Solution Number, Solution Title, Status, Visible in Public Knowledge Base

REPORT: Products

  • Fields: Active, Created By, Display URL, External Data Source, External ID, Last Modified By, Product Code, Product Description, Product Family, Product Name, Quantity Unit Of Measure

REPORT: Price Books

  • Fields: Active, Created By, Description, Is Standard Price Book, Last Modified By, Price Book Name

REPORT: Price Book Entries

  • Fields: Active, Created By, Last Modified By, List Price, Price Book, Product, Product Code, Standard Price, Use Standard Price

REPORT: Badges

  • Fields: Active, Badge Name, Company Badge, Created By, Created Date, Description, Given Badge Count, Image URL, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, Limit Number, Limit Per User, Limit Start Date, Owner Name

REPORT: Badges Received

  • Fields: Badge, Badge Received Name, Created By, Created Date, Description, Given by, Image, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, Recipient, Source

REPORT: Thanks

  • Fields: Created By, Feed Item, Given by, Last Modified By, Message, Owner Name

REPORT: Assets

  • Fields: Account, Asset Name, Competitor Asset, Contact, Created By, Description, Install Date, Last Modified By, Parent Asset, Price, Product, Product Code, Product Description, Product Family, Purchase Date, Quantity, Root Asset, Serial Number, Status, Usage End Date


  • Fields: About Me, Active, Address, Admin Info Emails, Alias, Allow Forecasting, Call Center, Cell, Chatter Email Highlights Frequency, Company Name, Contact, Default Notification Frequency when Joining Groups, Delegated Approver, Department, Division, Email, Email Encoding, Email Sender Address, Email Sender Name, Email Signature, Employee Number, End of Day, Extension, Fax, Hourly Login Limit, IDE Workspace, Info Emails, Internal Subtype, Is Controlled By System, Language, Locale, Manager, Name, Nickname, Phone, Profile, Role, SAML Federation ID, Start of Day, Stay-in-Touch Email Note, Stay-in-Touch Email Signature, Stay-in-Touch Email Subject, Time Zone, Title, Username

REPORT: Content Version

  • Fields: Description, File Type, Language, Owner, Prevent others from sharing and unsharing, Tags, Title

REPORT: Email Messages

  • Fields: BCC Address, CC Address, Created By, Created Date, From, From Address, From Name, Has Attachment, Headers, HTML Body, Is Externally Visible, Is Incoming, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, Message Date, Message Size, Parent Case, Related To, Status, Subject, Text Body, To Address.

Salesforce API Docs

You should not need to reference these API docs very often.

FAQs + Tips and Tricks

Time Zone

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). All date and timestamps are stored in UTC. If account timezone settings are set in Grow, these times will adjust accordingly. For more information, visit this Help Center article.

How do I connect to a Custom Domain?

If your organization uses a custom Salesforce domain, select Use Custom Domain when connecting your account. If you aren't already logged into Salesforce and you see an error message upon connecting, open a separate tab in your browser, log into Salesforce, then try connecting again.


I'm seeing an error "URI Too Long"; what do I do?

While Salesforce allows for a large number of custom fields, they impose a maximum URL length when calling their API. If you encounter this error, and you don't need all of the fields within a given report, the best approach would be to write a custom SOQL query (instructions below) to select only the fields you want for your report.

How do I Write a Custom SOQL Query?

Writing SOQL is an option for those who know how to use Salesforce Object Query Language. For those who know how to write SOQL, it can be helpful in filtering critical data from a Salesforce report or combining multiple Salesforce reports.

Saved reports are only available through Direct Query on Grow. If your data warehoused in Grow, we'd advise you to write your own SOQL query. You can reference Salesforce's documentation here.

Creating a SOQL Statement with

If you are hitting the 2,000-row limit with saved reports and writing a SOQL query seems daunting, you can use the service to create a query you can use in Grow. You can use the free version of the service to create a SOQL query.

  1. Sign into Dataloader with your Salesforce credentials.
  2. Click on New Task at the top left, and select Export.
  3. Select the object you want to use for your report and click Next at the bottom right.
  4. Select the fields you want to bring in, and add any filters and a field to order by (optional).
  5. Expand the SOQL Query section to see the full query.
  6. Copy that query to use in Grow.
  7. In Grow, add a new report to a metric, select Salesforce as the data source and choose the Write SOQL report type.
  8. Paste in the SOQL query you created in Dataloader and click Get Data.

Here is a brief video that goes through this process of creating a SOQL query:

What's the difference between Salesforce and Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Grow offers integrations to both Salesforce as well as Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Salesforce offers CRM technologies, allowing companies to manage their customer relations as well as to manage and prioritize tasks and events. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a digital marketing platform.

Which Salesforce Editions are Accessible through Grow?

In order to access Salesforce in Grow, your organization must be on the Enterprise tier in Salesforce. If you have the Professional Edition and need API access, you will need to contact your Salesforce Account Executive to log a case with Salesforce support. They will enable it for an additional cost.

How do I Remove the Footer info from Salesforce Reports?

Sometimes when you use a saved report or an export from a Salesforce report, you will end up with a footer with information about the report name and when the data was exported, like below:


You could remove this information from the first column by filtering out blanks from Column B for example, but you can also change a setting within Salesforce to stop it from appearing in reports.

To do this, start at Setup, click Customize > Reports & Dashboards > User Interface, then select Export Reports Without Footers.

I need a field from Salesforce, but don't know what it's called when it comes into Grow, where do I find that?

Log into Salesforce, click Setup icon, then click Object and Fields, and then Object Manager. This will bring up a list of all the available objects, or tables, in your account. Select the Object that the field is in you're looking for and then select Fields & Relationships. This will bring up a list of all the fields in that Object with how you see them in Salesforce matched with how they show up in Grow.

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