Stacked bar charts are extremely useful for tracking lots of different categories and their progress. This article will give you an overview of how to build and use stacked bar charts.
Use Cases
Stacked Bar Charts have many different purposes, but here are some of the more common ones we see.
Sales Leaderboard with MRR. If you offer different pricing plans, one use case for a stacked bar chart would be to track new MRR and Upgraded MRR (stacked bar categories) for each sales rep on your team (each individual bar). You could tweak this to track the number of leads by source each rep finds or contacts.
Spend by Campaign by Month. For this one, each bar would be the campaign name. Each category in the stacked bar would be the spend for a month.
Building a Stacked Bar Chart
To build a stacked bar chart, first log in to your Grow account and click Add Metric. Choose your data source, and connect your data.

In Edit Metric, select chart at the top and then click on the chart type menu to view the list of charts. Go ahead and select Stacked Bar Chart.
Next, you will need to select your data series. When you select data series for a stacked bar, the first series will be the leftmost category in the bar, or closest to the y-axis. Each subsequent data series will be stacked on top of the first.
Once you have selected your data series, you can format each series, if you want to change the formatting.
Finally, be sure to add chart labels and key values to your metric.