Data Explorer Overview

Data Explorer is one of two Metric Builders in Grow. Data Explorer allows you to quickly get insights using Smart Aggregations, Dynamic Date Groupings and Filtering as you build your visualization. Metrics built in Data Explorer are also filterable on the Dashboard and in Expanded View.

Data Explorer is the default metric builder for all supported Chart Types (see below). The Metric Builder displays which builder you are using in the top left corner:


Difference between Data Explorer and Basic Builder

Data Explorer assumes you are charting transactional data and automatically aggregates your data series' selections based on your grouping values. Basic Builder assumes you are charting pre-aggregated data and does not apply a grouping or an aggregation to your chart selections.

Transactional Data displays individual transactions per row. For example, a transactional sales dataset would show each individual sale and the associated information with that sale (id, lead source, sales rep, etc).


Aggregated data is typically grouped data. For example, if you grouped your transactional sales dataset by month, this would give you aggregated data.


Data Explorer Features

By charting Transactional data, you unlock the following features:

Smart Aggregations

Aggregations are automatically applied to your data series� selections. Calculated Data Series are also available so you can perform custom calculations rather than using SQL on the Data Tab.


Dynamic Groupings

If you group your chart by a date column, the grouping granularity is dynamic. You can view the data by day, week, month, quarter, or year.

Note: Stacked Charts are limited to 1,000 unique grouping categories.�


Chart Transforms

Chart Transforms replace many of the Transforms on the Data Tab in the Builder. For example, you can use Slice in Data Explorer rather than a Pivot Transform on the Data Tab. Here is a full list of Chart the Transforms in Data Explorer:

  1. Date Range
  2. Filter
  3. Slice
  4. Compare Dates
  5. Sort & Limit
  6. Goal Lines

Dashboard Filtering

Apply a Date Range or Custom Filter, or adjust the Grouping Granularity (Day ? Month) of your metrics to perform an ad hoc analysis on the Dashboard.


Exploratory Analysis Features in Expanded View

Filter your metric using the Date Range, Grouping, and Custom Filter in the Explore Panel. Drill into the Chart to see the transactional level data in your Chart.


Supported Chart Types

Currently not all Chart Types in Basic Builder are supported in Data Explorer. Here is a list of supported Chart Types:

  • Column
  • Column & Line
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Column & Line
  • Stacked Column 100%
  • Stacked Bar
  • Bar & Line
  • Bar
  • Line
  • Area
  • Funnel
  • Table
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • Single Value
  • Table
  • Map
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